She is talking to herself when Stanley enters. Blanche takes another drink, and then worries about the privacy and decency of her staying in the apartment with no door to separate her from Stella and Stanley in the next room. Left alone, Blanche surreptitiously takes a drink of whiskey, and puts the bottle and tumbler away. Perfect for acing essays, tests, and quizzes, as well as for writing lesson plans. The action begins with the arrival of Blanche DuBois, dressed in white, and both looking and feeling entirely out of place on this downtrodden street. Stella arrives and they embrace happily, Blanche babbling excitedly about Stella's appearance and not giving her sister a chance to get a word in edge-wise. Creating notes and highlights requires a free LitCharts account. He is brutish, coarse, primitive; she is dainty, elegant, delicate. You may cancel your subscription on your Subscription and Billing page or contact Customer Support at But this is not Williams prescribing the elements of what we see, but rather the overall effect "there is something about her uncertain manner that suggests a moth." [Her voice drops and her look is frightened. Blanche explains to Stella that she had to resign from her high school teaching position because of her nerves. Did you know you can highlight text to take a note? Scene 1 Quotes They told me to take a street-car named Desire, and transfer to one called Cemeteries, and ride six blocks and get off atElysian Fields! The section is poor but, unlike . Aside from the use of the raw meat, he uses the bowling balls and pins, and the columns of the Belle Reve plantation home as obvious, overt phallic and sexual symbols. You'll be able to access your notes and highlights, make requests, and get updates on new titles. Related Characters: Blanche DuBois (speaker) Instant PDF downloads. Later that evening, Blanche is dressed in an old, faded gown and has a rhinestone tiara on her head. Don't ever believe it. The street name is both a literal street in New Orleans and a symbolic resting place. Stella is shamed and joins Blanche, who is planning to take another bath, in the bedroom. Setting The Scene Before Reading . Known by many as "The Rape Scene," scene 10 of " A Streetcar Named Desire " is filled with dramatic action and fear inside the flat of Stanley Kowalski. Readers should be aware of these and choose their own responses. Use up and down arrows to review and enter to select. Outside, the men return from bowling and discuss their plans for poker the following evening. Instant downloads of all 1699 LitChart PDFs Blanche is very concerned with keeping her delicate surface appearance intact. Members will be prompted to log in or create an account to redeem their group membership. from your Reading List will also remove any And when he comes back I cry on his lap like a baby you left! "My students can't get enough of your charts and their results have gone through the roof." Now don't get worried, your sister hasn't turned into a drunkard. tennessee-williams-a-streetcar-named-desire.pdf - Google Docs . Tennessee Williams and A Streetcar Named Desire Background, Read more about the unnamed Black womans role. By signing up you agree to our terms and privacy policy. The way the content is organized, LitCharts assigns a color and icon to each theme in, Compare and contrast themes from other texts to this theme, The ThemeTracker below shows where, and to what degree, the theme of Interior and Exterior Appearance appears in each scene of. Do you mind if I make myself comfortable? CliffsNotes study guides are written by real teachers and professors, so no matter what you're studying, CliffsNotes can ease your homework headaches and help you score high on exams. Continue to start your free trial. A long string of deaths in the family ate up all the money, while the process of nursing dying loved ones took their toll on Blanche's psyche, and in the end Belle Reve was lost. Dont have an account? Sometimes it can end up there. Read an in-depth analysis of Stanley Kowalski. Stella makes a light effort to defend her present lifestyle, but she mostly lets Blanche do the talking. Struggling with distance learning? My students love how organized the handouts are and enjoy tracking the themes as a class., Requesting a new guide requires a free LitCharts account. The way the content is organized, LitCharts assigns a color and icon to each theme in, The play is set in a two-story, white-frame, faded corner building on a street called Elysian Fields, which runs between the train tracks and the river in New Orleans. At this point in the drama, the scene with the young boy might seem puzzlingly out of place. You ought to lay off his liquor. A Streetcar Named Desire study guide contains a biography of Tennessee Williams, literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis. This is also the beginning of Stanley's plan to destroy Blanche, and she feels herself being trapped. She stares at herself in the mirror and flirts with imagined suitors. could suggest Blanches movements and the things she seems to appreciate. The difference in their reactions to similar experiences and in their approaches to life suggests that they are not an ideally matched pair. Her actions also suggest the fluttering of a delicate moth. Blanche often mentions her love of poetry during the play as a sign of her cultured upbringing and sense of refinement. Young man! Please wait while we process your payment. you can't describe someone you're in love with! ], A Streetcar Named Desire - Beauty Is Transitory, A Streetcar Named Desire - Hes Like An Animal, Microphonist Wanderlust byPeteRock & InI, View A Streetcar Named Desire (Scene One) samples. Summary and Analysis Scene 1. PDFs of modern translations of every Shakespeare play and poem. You haven't said a word about my appearance. Life has got to go on. BLANCHE [with faintly hysterical vivacity]: At the sound of Blanche's voice Mitch's arm supporting his cards has sagged and his gaze is, And I'll be buried at sea sewn up in a clean white sack and dropped overboard--at noon--in the. 1947 1 7.6K A Streetcar Named Desire [Scene 11] Lyrics It is some weeks later. Stella goes into labor. In an outburst that builds to a crescendo of hysteria, Blanche reveals that she has lost Belle Reve, the familys ancestral home. This is both meaningful in the present tense and on a deeper thematic level. Their talk is heavy with testosterone and the effects of whiskey, several glasses of which litter the table. Blanche talks feverishly and seems nearly hysterical. The Varsouviana polka music can be heard from offstage. Your subscription will continue automatically once the free trial period is over. Which of the following events occurs first? $18.74/subscription + tax, Save 25% Blanche is both disdainful of Stanley and afraid of him. Purchasing The surrounding areas dim out as the, Two rooms can be seen, not too clearly defined. Two women, one white and one colored, are taking the air on the steps of the building. Subscribe now. Williams romanticizes the neighborhood: even though it is poor, all races and classes are mixed, and the constant music gives everything a slightly dreamy quality. But the funny thing about opposites is that they attract. You left nothing here but spilt talcum and old empty perfume bottlesunless its the paper lantern you want to take with you. At rise, we see a two-story building in a poor, charming, diverse section of New Orleans, called Elysian Fields. Her appearance is incongruous to this setting, necklace and earrings of pearl, white gloves and hat, looking as. weathered gray, with rickety outside stairs and galleries and quaintly ornamented, The sky that shows around the dim white building is a, You can almost feel the warm breath of the brown, In this part of New Orleans you are practically always just around the corner, or a few doors. The atmosphere of the kitchen is now the same. Stanley appears and calls for Stella, his wife, to catch a package of meat. Since earliest manhood the center of [Stanleys] life has been pleasure with women, the giving and taking of it, not with weak indulgence, dependently, but with the power and pride of a richly feathered male bird among hens. Blanche fibs that she is actually younger than Stella, and that she has come to New Orleans because Stella is ailing and needs her assistance. -Graham S. Below you will find the important quotes in, Would not have made it through AP Literature without the printable PDFs. Blanche is in no mental condition to withstand such scrutiny, so she has fashioned a tenuous make-believe world. Blanches nervousness at Eunices questions indicate that she has something to hide in her past and that there is more to her seemingly innocent appearance than meets the eye. By the end of the first encounter, Blanche is feeling sick. Complete your free account to access notes and highlights. While conversing with Mitch, she asks him to place a Chinese lampshade on the bare lightbulb in the bedroom, claiming that the naked bulb is rude and vulgar. Bright light, whether from a naked bulb or the midday sun, reveals Blanches true age. Removing #book# on 2-49 accounts, Save 30% to start your free trial of SparkNotes Plus. Stella is packing Blanche's things. The original text plus a side-by-side modern translation of. Blanche denies the accusation, but her fear is evident. He holds the power in the apartment, even though Blanche sees herself as elite. She pours a half tumbler, carefully replaces the bottle and washes out the tumbler at the. A Streetcar Named Desire Summary and Analysis Scene 5 Summary Blanche has been visiting now for three months. from your Reading List will also remove any The polka music is only in Blanches mindeven though the audience hears itand its appearance signifies that she is haunted by her dead husband. Stanley calls for Stella and as she is leaving, she assures Blanche that her wish for Mitch will come true, but that Blanche should not drink any more. SparkNotes PLUS After a clatter and crash of furniture, Eunice runs downstairs, screaming that she is going to call the police. He is direct and blunt; she dances around every topic. By entering your email address you agree to receive emails from SparkNotes and verify that you are over the age of 13. Blanche hesitantly introduces herself to Stanley, who did not know Blanche was coming to town. Your subscription will continue automatically once the free trial period is over. She has just finished composing a letter to Shep Huntleigh pretending that she has been on a round of teas and cocktail parties. He offers Blanche a drink, but she declines, saying that she rarely drinks. Youve successfully purchased a group discount. This is a first reference to Blanche's aversion to too much light. What am I saying? Your group members can use the joining link below to redeem their group membership. You messy child, you, you've spilt something on the pretty white lace collar! Though Stella has changed and moved into a new life, Blanche clings to her version of the past. She recounts how she suffered through the agonizingly slow deaths of their parents and relatives, and points the finger at Stella for running off to New Orleans and leaving all familial woes behind. Her disparaging comments about the mixed social class show Blanche trying to cling to her prior social status. After initially expressing her thrill at seeing her younger sister, Blanche lets slip a critical comment on the physical and social setting in which Stella lives. Blanche, you sit down and let me pour the drinks. Blanche is in the bath. I cant stand a naked light bulb, any more than I can a rude remark or a vulgar action. By entering your email address you agree to receive emails from SparkNotes and verify that you are over the age of 13. Where were you! Stanley leaves to go bowling after refusing to kiss Stella in front of Blanche. I never met a woman that didnt know if she was good-looking or not without being told, and some of them give themselves credit for more than theyve got. Note the symbolic use of names throughout the play. He enters the apartment, sizes Blanche up, and makes small talk with her, treating her casually while she nervously tries to engage with him. Save over 50% with a SparkNotes PLUS Annual Plan! The blue piano that frequently plays outside evokes tension and fraught emotions inside the apartment. She asks Mitch to put a Chinese lantern she has bought over the naked lightbulb. LitCharts Teacher Editions. He asks Blanche some straight forward questions about herself and her plans, while removing his sweaty shirt and taking a drink. Williams is overly fond of using Freudian sexual symbols. Blanche's dress hides her inner sins and contributes to her mothlike appearance. Williams often dresses his most degenerate characters in white, the symbol of purity. Renews March 11, 2023 A Streetcar Named Desire Tennessee Williams Study Guide Mastery Quizzes PLUS Flashcards PLUS Summary Scene Three Summary It is around 2:30 a.m. Steve, Pablo, Mitch, and Stanley are playing poker in the Kowalskis' kitchen, which is bathed in a sinister green light. I couldn't believe her story and go on living with Stanley. Blanche becomes visibly agitated during the cross-examination. We're sorry, SparkNotes Plus isn't available in your country. The neighborhood is poor but has a raffish charm.. Detailed explanations, analysis, and citation info for every important quote on LitCharts. Outside the apartment, Stanley discusses plans for poker the following day with Steve and Mitch. Blanche is concerned about living in such close quarters with Stanley, and makes no effort to hide her discomfort with his blue collar background. Tennessee Williams teasingly drops clues about all the major reveals of the second and third acts in the introductory exposition, as though he were writing a mystery. Then later when Stanley asks her if she wants a drink, she tells him that she rarely touches it. creating and saving your own notes as you read. Teacher Editions with classroom activities for all 1699 titles we cover. The first part of this scene introduces us symbolically to the essential characteristics of Stanley Kowalski. Mostly white, working class, noisy. What happened to Belle Reve, the DuBois family home? And Stella warns Blanche that Stanley's friends are not the type Blanche is accustomed to. Both metaphorically and literally, bright light threatens to undo Blanches many deceptions. Each of these encounters will intensify with each subsequent meeting. Sex and violence are paired on both floors of the house. on 2-49 accounts, Save 30% Mitch skips the next hand to go to the bathroom again. But don't you look at me, Stella, no, no, no, not till later, not till, And turn that over-light off! By signing up you agree to our terms and privacy policy. Thus part of the later conflict is that Blanche can never in any sense of the word be his. The overly sensitive Blanche must introduce herself to Stanley, who immediately offers her a drink after he notices that the bottle has been touched. Blanche is appalled. When he's away for a week I nearly go wild! Blanches journey is both literal these are real places in New Orleans and allegorical. I couldnt stand that., Its just incredible, Blanche, how well youre looking., Blanche: You hear me? Blanche meets Mitch. Renew your subscription to regain access to all of our exclusive, ad-free study tools. Williams provides copious stage directions in his plays, and they are both functional and poetic. Read more about the unnamed Black womans role. Stella and Blanche return. Refine any search. A Streetcar Named Desire: Scene 1 Summary & Analysis Next Scene 2 Themes and Colors Key Summary Analysis The play is set in a two-story, white-frame, faded corner building on a street called Elysian Fields, which runs between the train tracks and the river in New Orleans. Just as circumstance has led her to the Kowalskis' doorstep, so too did circumstance lead her to a life driven by desire and death. Hence, Black people mingle with white people, and members of different ethnic groups play poker and bowl together. At the end, when Stanley leaves, she is trembling and in need of a drink. After Stanleys drunken radio-hurling episode, Stella yells at him and calls him an animal thing, inciting Stanleys attack. Mitch returns and tells her not to worry because Stella and Stanley are crazy about each other. He cries remorsefully and then telephones upstairs, but Eunice wont let him speak to Stella. She prefers, instead, the dim, illusionary world of semi-darkness. Free trial is available to new customers only. We have only one set for the entire play the crowded apartment of the Kowalskis but thanks to transparent walls we have access to the street outside as well as the two rooms and bath. In an instance of dramatic irony, Blanche lies about her consumption of what in Scene 1? The first encounter occurs at the end of Scene 1. . Save over 50% with a SparkNotes PLUS Annual Plan! Has anyone ever told you that you look like a young Prince out of the Arabian Nights? He takes off his shirt and makes a shady remark to Stella, who is in the bathroom. Learn exactly what happened in this chapter, scene, or section of A Streetcar Named Desire and what it means. Set among the back drop of the multicultural landscape of New Orleans during the post-war period, Williams explores the boundaries between the traditional and modern lifestyles of America, predominantly represented through sisters Blanche DuBois, and Stella Kowalski. The stage directions say that the music is playing in Blanche's mind and that she is drinking to escape it. 20% He tells her that the baby won't come before morning, and the doctors sent him home. Note that as soon as Blanche says that she was born under the sign of the virgin, Stanley chooses this moment to ask her about the man named Shaw. Stanley pulls the whiskey bottle out of the closet and notices that it is running low. This leads Blanche to tell Stella that Belle Reve, the ancestral home, has been lost. for a group? He enters in a loud-colored bowling jacket and work clothes and is carrying "a red-stained package." However, whereas Mitchs experiences have engendered in him a strong sincerity, Blanche seeks refuge in make-believe and insincerityinsincerity that is painfully obvious in her remarks about the sincerity of dying people. New orleans Historical Context Essay: Post-World War II New Orleans, Literary Context Essay: Social Realism in the Play. resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss thenovel. You'll be billed after your free trial ends. Rather, his directions are like a depiction of a potential performance the outline of the Blanche and the Stanley that he sees, but written in gossamer and smoke. SparkNotes Plus subscription is $4.99/month or $24.99/year as selected above. A summary of Scene Ten in Tennessee Williams's A Streetcar Named Desire. Like the woman in the song, Blanche is now a captive maid, as she has nowhere else to go except Stella and Stanleys, It allows Stanley and Stella to have a conversation about Blanche without her knowing, It symbolizes Blanches desire to cleanse herself, literally and figuratively, The rhinestone tiara could represent Blanche in many ways. Chainani, Soman ed. (including. She screams piercingly and Stella wonders why. Blanches disapproval of Stellas lifestyle allows Blanche to reinforce her own sense of superiority. 2023 Course Hero, Inc. All rights reserved. She has ridden Desire to the end of the line and has hit rock bottom before arriving here. She is immediately on the defensive as she describes how hard she worked to keep the plantation running, while Stella left to live her own life in New Orleans. In addition, probing questions and honest speech function as a metaphorical light that threatens to reveal Blanches past and her true nature. The physical attention to inside versus outside also symbolically demonstrates the complicated relationship between what goes on in the mind versus what occurs in real life. After exchanging a few harsh words with Stanley, Mitch rises from the table to go to thebathroom. Blanche tells him yes, but the boy died; then, she leaves thinking that she is going to be sick. They told me to take a street-car named Desire, and transfer to one called Cemeteries, and ride six blocks and get off atElysian Fields! Central Idea Essay: Is Blanche a Sympathetic Character? Continue to start your free trial. Removing #book# Purchasing She surrounds herself in her silks and rhinestones and fantasies of Sheps yacht to maintain the appearance of being an upper-class ingnue, even though she is, by all accounts, a fallen woman. Blanche also calls Stanley a Polack and makes snide remarks about the state of the Kowalski apartment in order to maintain her own sense of external social superiority. Sometimes it can end up there. $18.74/subscription + tax, Save 25% The play immediately establishes Stanley and Blanche as polar opposites, with Stella as the link between them. In bed with your Polack!, Poetic Manner: I took the blows in my face and my body, Her appearance is incongruous to the setting, that of a summer cocktail party, She wears white, symbolizing purity, as well as her name, Blanche is compared to a moth. Contact us Eunice comes downstairs and into the apartment. Blanche emphasizes that she must stay for a while because she can't stand to be alone. Blanche broaches the subject of the DuBois family plantation, Belle Reve. Alone, Blanche sits looking nervous and uncomfortable as she surveys the messy, dingy surroundings. Scene Three underscores the primal nature of Stella and Stanleys union, and it cements Stanleys identity as a villain. Summary. Stella returns with excitement, and she and Blanche embrace. And I with my pitiful salary at the school. Stanley enters the apartment with Mitch and Steve, all returning from bowling. The name of the Kowalskis street underscores the extreme, opposing archetypes that Stanley and Blanche represent. Central Idea Essay: Is Blanche a Sympathetic Character? Stanley yells Catch! as he tosses the package, and a moment later the Blackwoman yells Catch what! Eunice and the Black woman see something sexual, and scandalously hilarious, in Stanleys act of tossing the meat to a breathlessly delighted Stella. Scene 1: At rise, we see a two-story building in a poor, charming, diverse section of New Orleans, called Elysian Fields. What happened to Belle Reve, the DuBois family home? and any corresponding bookmarks? Loading 7_ Parents, Teachers, and Coaches_ Where do Mindsets Come From_.docx. Her effort to create a more flattering, untruthful portrait of herself for Mitch continues in upcoming scenes. After throwing meat at Stella, where does Stanley go (Stella follows him there, to "watch")? bookmarked pages associated with this title. When Blanche declines to go to the bowling alley, the Black woman goes instead to tell Stella of her sisters arrival. She pours a healthy shot, downs it immediately, replaces the bottle, cleans her tumbler, and returns to her original pose. A Streetcar Named Desire has been labelled as one of the greatest American plays ever, and Tennessee Williams produces what could be regarded as a poignant and troubled tale about the hostility of conflicting the old world with the new world. Mitch and Blanch's relationship is very much an illusion because What does Stanley tell Blanche about his acquaintance, Shaw? I won't be looked at in this, I thought you would never come back to this horrible place! Her defensive strategy is to stay on the offensive criticizing Stella's lifestyle and social standing when Blanche is in an even worse situation herself, defending herself against blame for the loss of Belle Reve before Stella can even say a word. Its loss could signify the end of Blanches dream life or fantasy. Almost immediately, Blanche appears trying to find a certain street number. He is collecting for the paper. PDF downloads of all 1699 LitCharts literature guides, and of every new one we publish. She asks for a drink in order to restore her nerves. Sometimes it can end up there. Steve and Eunice, like Stanley and Stella, have a relationship that blows hot and cold and has ferocious underpinnings. Blanche is immediately seen as Stanleys direct opposite: fluttering, insubstantial, and pale rather than a robust, muscular specimen. Ace your assignments with our guide to A Streetcar Named Desire! Stella is quite in love with her husband, however. "They told me to take a street-car named Desire." Renews March 10, 2023 Their reunion is also described in terms of animal noises. | Stella is upset at both the news and the accusatory way Blanche broke it to her, and she goes into the bathroom to cry. Detailed explanations, analysis, and citation info for every important quote on LitCharts. Soon after Stella leaves, her sister, Blanche, arrives, carrying a suitcase and looking with disbelief at a slip of paper in her hand and then at the building. The free trial period is the first 7 days of your subscription. Blanche redirects the conversation by asking if Stella has any liquor in the flat. Though the protagonist Blanche Dubois of Tennessee Williams ' famous play attempts to talk her way out of an attack, a violent attack takes place. Our, "Sooo much more helpful thanSparkNotes. Definitions and examples of 136 literary terms and devices. She is distinctly overcivilized and has repressed her vitality and her sexuality. Mitch carries a large plastic statuette that indicates their date took place at an amusement park. She thanks him for his kindness and waxes poetic while he quietly listens. To hold front position in this rat-race you've got to believe you are lucky. He sizes her up with a glance; she hides her eyes from him. He bellows to Stella and throws her the raw meat which she catches as she laughs breathlessly. He and Blanche stare each other down. The name of the plantation home was Belle Reve or beautiful dream thus the loss of Belle Reve is correlated with the loss of a beautiful dream that Blanche once possessed. See Important Quotations Explained For instance, he dictates that Blanche should enter in "a white suit with a fluffy bodice," and further describes her outfit as something appropriate for a cocktail party. Only desperation and a lack of other options has brought her to Elysian Fields, a tenement as different from its heavenly title as can be imagined by Blanche's sheltered mind. Free trial is available to new customers only. What is the symbol of the searchlight in A Streetcar Named Desire . Eunice, somewhat offended, leaves to fetch Stella. Teachers and parents! Thus in this encounter between Blanche and Stanley, Blanche is seeing her own valued world disintegrate under the force of Stanley's attack. Stella agrees that Mitch is polite but claims that Stanley is the only one of them who will get anywhere.. | Did you know you can highlight text to take a note? Want 100 or more? In Greek mythology, the Elysian Fields are the final resting place of the heroic and virtuous. Eunice and a Black woman are relaxing on the steps of the building when Stanley and his buddy Mitch show up. Then, half-dressed, he stumbles out to the street and calls for his wife again and again: STELL- LAHHHHH! Eunice warns him to stop, but his bellowing cry continues. Previous And we will learn that throughout Blanche's adult life, without any agency, she has been riding two metaphorical streetcars named Desire and Cemeteries the dual themes of lust and death that will be paired constantly through the play.