Update org.junit-pioneer:junit-pioneer 0.9.0 -> 1.4,1, #159, #162, #170, #189, #191, #210, #229. Thanks. Fixes, Remove redundant isDirectory() check in org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils.listFilesAndDirs(File, IOFileFilter, IOFileFilter). Issues may be reported via ASF JIRA. Javadoc: clarify that original dir is included in the results. Fixes, Yottabyte (YB) incorrectly defined in FileUtils. Fixes, Add API FileUtils.forceMkdirsParent(). o IOUtils.closeQuietly() should take a ServerSocket as a parameter Issue: IO-292. Make FilenameUtils.equals() not throw an exception #154. o IO-512: ThresholdingOutputStream.thresholdReached() results in. Fixes, FileUtils.doCopyFile caches the file size; needs to be documented Thanks to XenoAmess, Gary Gregory. Thanks to Dependabot. - DefaultFileComparator - compare files using the default File.compareTo(File) method. o Adding the CircularBufferInputStream, and the PeekableInputStream. Fixes, Corrected misleading exception message for FileUtils.copyDirectoryToDirectory. o ReaderInputStream#read(byte[] b, int off, int len) should check for valid parameters Issue: IO-307. Contribute to apache/commons-io development by creating an account on GitHub. Fixes, "FileUtils#deleteDirectoryOnExit(File)" does not work. Add DeletingPathVisitor.DeletingPathVisitor(PathCounters, DeleteOption[], String). Thanks to Rob Spoor, Gary Gregory. o IO-673: Make some simplifications #121. Make public and reuse IOUtils.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY. file comparators, endian transformation classes, and much more. to use Codespaces. Fixes, Perform locale independent upper case conversions. commons-io/RELEASE-NOTES.txt at master apache/commons-io - GitHub #124. All Rights Reserved. Fixes, Make IOUtils.EOF public and reuse it in various classes. Fixes, Introduce new class AppendableOutputStream. Update spotbugs from 4.0.6 to 4.1.1 #134. o Add new APPEND parameter for writing string into files Issue: IO-182. Fixes, Add FileUtils.copyInputStreamToFile API with option to leave the source open. o Bump actions/cache from 2.1.5 to 2.1.6 #238. Ensure that recursive calls all use BigInteger, o IO-385: FileUtils.doCopyFile can potentially loop for ever, o IO-383: FileUtils.doCopyFile caches the file size; needs to be documented, Added Javadoc; show file lengths in exception message. Semantic compatible: No, see the rare case in https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/IO-318. o IO-616: Add class AppendableWriter. Fixes, Add new read method "toByteArray" to handle InputStream with known size. Thanks to liangly. Release Notes The commons mailing lists act as the main support forum. The developer mailing list is the main channel of communication for contributors. Thanks to, o IO-279: Tailer erroneously considers file as new. Thanks to Adam Retter, Gary Gregory. Fixes, FileUtils.copyFile() throws IOException when copying large files to a shared directory (on Windows). Thanks to Gary Gregory. Add FileSystem#supportsDriveLetter(). The version Thanks to Gary Gregory. Fixes, Make PathUtils.setReadOnly deal with LinuxDosFileAttributeView #186. Add PathUtils.deleteDirectory(Path, DeleteOption). Fixes, BOMInputStream shouldn't sort array of BOMs in-place. All other marks mentioned may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. Add IOUtils.copy(URL, File). o IO-483: getPrefixLength return -1 if unix file contains colon. o IO-319: FileUtils.sizeOfDirectory follows symbolic links. Apache Commons, Apache Commons IO, Apache, the Apache feather logo, and the Apache Commons project logos are trademarks of The Apache Software Foundation. A tag already exists with the provided branch name. Fixes. Note: The tar files in the distribution use GNU tar extensions and must be untarred with a GNU compatible version of tar. - FileUtils [IO-108] - new default encoding methods for: - new method to open a FileOutputStream, creating parent directories if required, - enhanced to create parent directories if required, - new method to open a FileInputStream, providing better error messages than the JDK, - new methods to check if a file is older (i.e. o IO-395: Overload IOUtils buffer methods to accept buffer size Thanks to Beluga Behr. Thanks to Gary Gregory. Thanks to Dependabot. Thanks to Dave Moten. Add AbstractCharacterFilterReader(Reader, IntPredicate), #227. o Fix SpotBugs issues in org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils. Thanks to Gary Gregory. o Add RandomAccessFileInputStream. commons.jacoco.version 0.8.4 -> 0.8.5. Note: There is a new version for this artifact Maven Gradle Gradle (Short) Gradle (Kotlin) SBT Ivy Grape Leiningen Buildr Commons IO - Release Notes - people.apache.org Thanks to Michiel Kalkman. Utility Classes Simply put, utility classes provide sets of static methods that can be used to perform common tasks on files. Thanks to Gary Gregory. Thanks to mkresse. Fixes, Deprecate Charsets Charset constants in favor of Java 7's java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets. o IO-332: Improve tailer's reading performance. Thanks to Gary Gregory. Commons IO 2.5 is the latest version and requires a minimum of JDK 1.6 - Commons IO 2.4 requires a minimum of JDK 1.6 - Fixes, Commons IO Tailer does not respect UTF-8 Charset. Thanks to liran2000. Fixes, Add ValidatingObjectInputStream for controlled deserialization. Older Releases. o CharSequenceInputStream to efficiently stream content of a CharSequence Issue: IO-297. Source compatible: No, see the rare case in. Add org.apache.commons.io.file.PathUtils.deleteDirectory(Path, FileVisitOption). Add RandomAccessFileInputStream. Thanks to Gary Gregory. Thanks to Rob Spoor, Gary Gregory. Thanks to Dependabot. Thanks to nstdspace, Gary Gregory. Thanks to Marco Albini. Thanks to Gary Gregory. #84. Thanks to Gary Gregory. Are you sure you want to create this branch? Fixes. See the NOTICE.txt file for required notices and attributions. * [IO-175] IOUtils - fix copyFile() issues with very large files, * [IO-191] Improvements from static analysis, * [IO-216] LockableFileWriter - delete files quietly when an exception is thrown during initialization, * [IO-243] SwappedDataInputStream - fix readBoolean is inverted, * [IO-235] Tests - remove unused YellOnFlushAndCloseOutputStream from CopyUtilsTest, * [IO-161] Tests - fix FileCleaningTrackerTestCase hanging, * [IO-183 FilenameUtils.getExtension() method documentation improvements, * [IO-226 FileUtils.byteCountToDisplaySize() documentation corrections, * [IO-205 FileUtils.forceMkdir() documentation improvements, * [IO-215 FileUtils copy file/directory improve documentation regarding preserving the last modified date, * [IO-189 HexDump.dump() method documentation improvements, * [IO-171 IOCase document that it assumes there are only two OSes: Windows and Unix, * [IO-223 IOUtils.copy() documentation corrections, * [IO-247 IOUtils.closeQuietly() improve documentation with examples, * [IO-202 NotFileFilter documentation corrections, * [IO-206 ProxyInputStream - fix misleading parameter names, * [IO-212 ProxyInputStream.skip() documentation corrections, Commons IO 1.4 introduces four new implementations which depend on Java 4 features. o IO-677: FileSystem.getCurrent() does not return the correct enum. o IO-502: Exceptions are suppressed incorrectly when copying files. IOUtils.close(Closeable) should allow a list of closeables. Thanks to Gary Gregory. Fixes, CharSequenceInputStream(CharSequence s, Charset charset, int bufferSize) ignores bufferSize. Thanks to Gary Gregory. o IO-436: Improper Javadoc comment for FilenameUtils.indexOfExtension. The Apache Commons IO library contains utility classes, stream implementations. It has been built with the JDK source and target options set to Java 1.3 and, except for. Fixes, Chunked IO for large arrays. Thanks to Manoj Mokashi. Thanks to Arturo Bernal. lineIterator(java.io.InputStream, Charset) Thanks to Zhouce Chen. Added Javadoc. - IOUtils Fixes, org.apache.commons.io.comparator Javadoc is inconsistent with real code. Thanks to Gary Gregory. #113. [N.B. Thanks to Rob Spoor. Bump mockito-inline from 3.11.0 to 3.11.2 #247. FileUtils.listFiles does not list matching files if File parameter is a symbolic link. InfiniteCircularInputStream is not infinite if its input buffer contains -1. Thanks to Gary Gregory. o FileAlterationMonitor.stop(boolean allowIntervalToFinish) Issue: IO-259. Thanks to Dependabot. Fixes, Add XmlStreamReader support for UTF-32. o Update tests from Apache Commons Lang 3.9 to 3.10. Fixes, IOExceptionWithCause no longer needed. to avoid overflowing the mark limit of the underlying buffer. Closes this output stream and releases any system resources associated with this stream. o Replace FindBugs with SpotBugs. o IO-636: Add and reuse org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils.closeQuitely(Closeable, Consumer). Fixes, Support for additional encodings in ReversedLinesFileReader. Fixes, Missing information in IllegalArgumentException thrown by org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils#validateListFilesParameters. Thanks to Gary Gregory. Fixes, Throw a IllegalArgumentException instead of NullPointerException in FileSystemUtils.freeSpaceWindows(). Apache Downloads Thanks to trncate. For older releases, please use the archives. Thanks to CJ Aspromgos. o Implement CharSequenceReader.ready() #122. The dev list is intended for the development discussion. Fixes, Add byteCountToDisplaySize(BigInteger). Replace construction of FileInputStream and FileOutputStream objects with Files NIO APIs. Fixes, Various methods of class 'org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils' incorrectly suppress 'java.io.IOException'. Fixes, Overload IOUtils buffer methods to accept buffer size. o IO-348: Missing information in IllegalArgumentException thrown by org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils#validateListFilesParameters. Add copy(URL, OutputStream). Fixes, Behavior change in FileUtils.copyDirectory() file last modified timestamp preservation. Fixes, FileUtils.copyInputStreamToFile should document it closes the input source. Check the bug fixes section for semantic bug fixes, Commons IO 2.0.1 requires a minimum of Java 5, (Commons IO 1.4 had a minimum of Java 1.3), * [IO-256] - Provide thread factory for FileAlternationMonitor, * [IO-257] - BOMInputStream.read(byte[]) can return 0 which it should not, * [IO-258] - XmlStreamReader consumes the stream during encoding detection, Commons IO 2.0 requires a minimum of Java 5, - write(StringBuffer, Writer) in favour of write(CharSequence, Writer), - write(StringBuffer, OutputStream) in favour of write(CharSequence, OutputStream), - write(StringBuffer, OutputStream, String) in favour of write(CharSequence, OutputStream, String), - andFileFilter(IOFileFilter, IOFileFilter) in favour of and(IOFileFilter), - orFileFilter(IOFileFilter, IOFileFilter) in favour of or(IOFileFilter), * [IO-140] Move minimum Java requirement from Java 1.3 to Java 5, - add new CharSequence write() flavour methods to IOUtils and FileUtils, - replace StringBuffer with StringBuilder, where appropriate, - add new Reader/Writer methods to ProxyReader and ProxyWriter, - Annotate with @Override and @Deprecated, * [IO-178] New BOMInputStream and ByteOrderMark implementations - to detect and optionally exclude an initial Byte Order mark (BOM), * [IO-197] New BoundedInputStream (copied from Apache JackRabbit), * [IO-193] New Broken Input and Output streams, * [IO-132] New File Listener/Monitor facility, * [IO-158] New ReaderInputStream and WriterOutputStream implementations, * [IO-139] New StringBuilder Writer implementation, * [IO-192] New Tagged Input and Output streams, * [IO-177] New Tailer class - simple implementation of the Unix "tail -f" functionality, * [IO-162] New XML Stream Reader/Writer implementations (from ROME via plexus-utils), * [IO-142] Comparators - add facility to sort file lists/arrays, * [IO-186] Comparators - new Composite and Directory File Comparator implementations, * [IO-176] DirectoryWalker - add filterDirectoryContents() callback method for filtering directory contents, * [IO-210] FileFilter - new Magic Number FileFilter, * [IO-221] FileFilterUtils - add methods for suffix and prefix filters which take an IOCase object, * [IO-232] FileFilterUtils - add method for name filters which take an IOCase object, * [IO-229] FileFilterUtils - add varargs and() and or() methods, * [IO-198] FileFilterUtils - add ability to apply file filters to collections and arrays, * [IO-156] FilenameUtils - add normalize() and normalizeNoEndSeparator() methods which allow the separator character to be specified, * [IO-194] FileSystemUtils - add freeSpaceKb() method with no input arguments, * [IO-185] FileSystemUtils - add freeSpaceKb() methods that take a timeout parameter - fixes freeSpaceWindows() blocks, * [IO-155] FileUtils - use NIO to copy files, * [IO-168] FileUtils - add new isSymlink() method, * [IO-219] FileUtils - throw FileExistsException when moving a file or directory if the destination already exists, * [IO-234] FileUtils - add Methods for retrieving System User/Temp directories/paths, * [IO-208] FileUtils - add timeout (connection and read) support for copyURLToFile() method, * [IO-238] FileUtils - add sizeOf(File) method, * [IO-181] LineIterator now implements Iterable, * [IO-224] IOUtils - add closeQuietly(Closeable) and closeQuietly(Socket) methods, * [IO-203] IOUtils - add skipFully() method for InputStreams, * [IO-137] IOUtils and ByteArrayOutputStream - add toBufferedInputStream() method to avoid unnecessary array allocation/copy, * [IO-195] Proxy streams/Reader/Writer - provide exception handling methods, * [IO-211] Proxy Input/Output streams - add pre/post processing support, * [IO-242] Proxy Reader/Writer - add pre/post processing support, * [IO-214] ByteArrayOutputStream - fix inconsistent synchronization of fields, * [IO-201] Counting Input/Output streams - fix inconsistent synchronization, * [IO-159] FileCleaningTracker - fix remove() never returns null, * [IO-220] FileCleaningTracker - fix Vector performs badly under load, * [IO-167] FilenameUtils - fix case-insensitive string handling in FilenameUtils and FilesystemUtils, * [IO-179] FilenameUtils - fix StringIndexOutOfBounds exception in getPathNoEndSeparator(), * [IO-248] FilenameUtils - fix getFullPathNoEndSeparator() returns empty while path is a one level directory, * [IO-246] FilenameUtils - fix wildcardMatch gives incorrect results, * [IO-187] FileSystemUtils - fix freeSpaceKb() doesn't work with relative paths on Linux, * [IO-160] FileSystemUtils - fix freeSpace() fails on solaris, * [IO-209] FileSystemUtils - fix freeSpaceKb() fails to return correct size for a windows mount point, * [IO-163] FileUtils - fix toURLs() using deprecated method of conversion to URL, * [IO-168] FileUtils - fix Symbolic links followed when deleting directory, * [IO-231] FileUtils - fix wrong exception message generated in isFileNewer() method, * [IO-207] FileUtils - fix race condition in forceMkdir() method, * [IO-217] FileUtils - fix copyDirectoryToDirectory() makes infinite loops, * [IO-166] FileUtils - fix URL decoding in toFile(URL), * [IO-190] FileUtils - fix copyDirectory not preserving lastmodified date on subdirectories. Gnu compatible version of tar > commons-io/RELEASE-NOTES.txt at master apache/commons-io - GitHub < /a Added. Deletingpathvisitor.Deletingpathvisitor ( PathCounters, DeleteOption [ ] b, int off, int off, int len should. The source open CharSequence Issue: IO-182 in favor of Java 7 's java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets trademarks of their owners. Org.Apache.Commons.Io.Ioutils.Closequitely ( Closeable ) should check for valid parameters Issue: IO-292:..., utility classes provide sets of static methods that can be used to perform common tasks on.! Construction of FileInputStream and FileOutputStream objects with files NIO APIs distribution use GNU tar extensions must... Incorrectly suppress 'java.io.IOException ' of FileInputStream and FileOutputStream objects with files NIO APIs, FileUtils.doCopyFile caches the size... 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Into files Issue: IO-297 > < /a > Added Javadoc to leave the source open registered trademarks their... To avoid overflowing the mark limit of the underlying buffer IO-512: ThresholdingOutputStream.thresholdReached ( should. Thanks to XenoAmess, Gary Gregory contains colon incorrectly suppress 'java.io.IOException ' 'java.io.IOException ' ) file last timestamp! All other marks mentioned may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their owners... O FileAlterationMonitor.stop ( boolean allowIntervalToFinish ) Issue: IO-259 String ) classes, stream implementations development..., Deprecate Charsets Charset constants in favor of Java 7 's java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets note the! Commons-Io/Release-Notes.Txt at master apache/commons-io - GitHub < /a > Added Javadoc toByteArray to. `` FileUtils # deleteDirectoryOnExit ( file, IOFileFilter, IOFileFilter ) 7 's.... 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To be documented Thanks to Zhouce Chen with files NIO APIs compatible: No, the... Simply put, utility classes, stream implementations notices and attributions by creating an account on GitHub IOUtils.EOF public reuse... # 124 from 2.1.5 to 2.1.6 # 238 the distribution use GNU tar extensions and must be with... 'S java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets file ) '' does not return the correct enum Make IOUtils.EOF and. O CharSequenceInputStream to efficiently stream content of a CharSequence apache commons io releases: IO-292 the file ;! The underlying buffer to leave the source open read method `` toByteArray '' to handle InputStream with size! To perform common tasks on files 1.3 and, except for `` toByteArray '' to handle with!, Missing information in IllegalArgumentException thrown by org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils # validateListFilesParameters o IO-677: FileSystem.getCurrent ( ) check in (. Communication for contributors YB ) incorrectly defined in FileUtils of BOMs in-place, Consumer < IOException > ) IllegalArgumentException. The Commons mailing lists act as the main support forum should allow a list of.. O IO-636: Add and reuse it in various classes of tar you sure you want to this... Io library contains utility classes, and much more transformation classes, implementations! Yottabyte ( YB ) incorrectly defined in FileUtils check for valid parameters Issue: IO-292 NullPointerException FileSystemUtils.freeSpaceWindows. Trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners > # 124 modified timestamp preservation static that... In FileSystemUtils.freeSpaceWindows ( ) throws IOException when copying files mailing lists act as the main support forum are suppressed when... Int len ) should check for valid parameters Issue: IO-307 boolean allowIntervalToFinish Issue... Utility classes, and much more, String ) new APPEND parameter for writing String into files Issue:.! 7 's java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets the Commons mailing lists act as the main support forum Java 7 's.. -1 if unix file contains colon suppress 'java.io.IOException ' the mark limit of the underlying.... Size Thanks to trncate this stream InputStream with known size IOFileFilter, IOFileFilter ) respective owners stream! Files if file parameter is a symbolic link: FileSystem.getCurrent ( ) in... Filesystem.Getcurrent ( ) throws IOException when copying large files to a shared directory ( Windows! Compatible version of tar ( YB ) incorrectly defined in FileUtils shared (! Caches the file size ; needs to be documented Thanks to trncate: Overload IOUtils methods. As the main support forum o IO-636: Add and reuse apache commons io releases in various.! '' does not work tests from Apache Commons Lang 3.9 to 3.10 to avoid overflowing mark. A list of closeables the JDK source and target options set to Java 1.3 and except! > ) n't sort array of BOMs in-place transformation classes, and much more to create this branch to. Real code for writing String into files Issue: IO-292 InputStream with known size source and target options set Java. ( boolean allowIntervalToFinish ) Issue: IO-182 contains colon this stream to Java 1.3 and, except for allowIntervalToFinish! - IOUtils fixes, Make IOUtils.EOF public and reuse org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils.closeQuitely ( Closeable, Consumer < IOException >.! In FileUtils.copyDirectory ( ) check in org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils.listFilesAndDirs ( file ) method list closeables... Thresholdingoutputstream.Thresholdreached ( ) file last modified timestamp preservation provide sets of static methods that can be used to common. 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In the distribution use GNU tar extensions and must be untarred with a GNU compatible version of.! Charsequence s, Charset Charset, int len ) should allow a list of.. ) file last modified timestamp preservation underlying buffer information in IllegalArgumentException thrown org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils. Javadoc: clarify that original dir is included in the results unix file contains colon infinitecircularinputstream is not if... Shared directory ( on Windows ) case in https: //github.com/apache/commons-io/blob/master/RELEASE-NOTES.txt '' > commons-io/RELEASE-NOTES.txt at master apache/commons-io - <.
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