The sixth thing you should know is what the actual code is. Weird. just part of the university experience. A little WASPy, a little preppy. But according to Mike S (comment 15), they will at BYU-I. Which is a good thing, too -- Mormonism-observing and Brooklyn-dwelling Britain Baker told the New York Times that Mormons tend to hold lots of dessert parties (in lieu of the drinking parties they can't have). Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Its part of its missions, and part of its Ricks College genes. But an Honor Code including the tightness of ones jeans and whether or not they should have the right to wear their personal preferred facial hair, is completely ridiculous and oppressive. Not all college students fit the 18-24 age bracket anymore, so its not obvious whos a student and who isnt. The dress code is one way of reinforcing students Mormon identity, so it isnt going to disappearand arguably shouldnt disappearbecause it helps BYU-Idaho do the things that the university sees as most worth doing. Conclusion Approved Clothing Policies. Get a grip, man. Clothing. Ive always liked the Mormon look. KLC (16) I have made a few similar observations. Every time a new rule is added to the dress code, the clothing options are more limited. *UPDATE: Official position of BYU-Idaho on skinny jeans On November 8th the Testing Center began a campaign to remind students of the CES Dress and Grooming Standards. Shorts must be knee-length or longer. It can be cold but it can also be hot. The banning of ripped jeans was not the only change made to the dress code. Sometimes the administration backs the type 1 Basij, but sometimes they themselves grow tired of them and make changes. Since dress nonconformists may well be disproportionately free thinkers, this also lessons the need for restrictions on academic freedom of teachers and students. I heard there was going to be a protest on campus that went something like this: I understand BYU-I is a 4 year university and its grads go on to grad schools in a variety of disciplines and some even do very well. But I did NOT know that it meant men had to wear socks! Rb: BYU-I is essentially a Mormon community college which awards 4 yr degrees.. Furthermore BYU-Is statement of its dress code on its website is pretty solid evidence that it IS much more rigid than BYU-Provos code, a fact which you appear to be downplaying. ?It works well for us.? However, sometimes the type 3 attitude begins spreading among the students, faculty, and staff to a specific rule. Because of the dress code, the BYUs may not attract Albert Einsteins (whose hair often went over his ear), but thankfully they wont attract too many Spinozas, Luthers, or other nonconformist thinkers either. The official draft of the new revision was released to the public today: OFFICIAL DRAFT OF UPDATED BYU HONOR CODE: Updated Dress and Grooming Standards: Men. I do wish that the campus would end the pointless prohibition of very normal items of clothing like capris or shorts, as it was sometimes aggravating for my wife to feel like a rule-breaker if she came up to campus on hot days. Why does it seem to consistently go over the top when it comes to things like these dress standards? After my mission, I transferred schools for the rest of my undergraduate education, for my graduate school, and for my allegiance the rest of my life. Jonathan, a few points: Religious: BYU will consider requests made by individuals for religious reasons. Rb, if youre going to ask for a charitable reading of your own exaggeration as humor, then you should be willing to grant the same to others. Brigham Young University's board of trustees has approved a 300-word document that will replace the university's existing Honor Code and Dress and Grooming Standards. The fact it is among the largest private schools in the country is all well and good but entirely irrelevant to any part of this discussion. ?Each institution of higher education within CES has a specific mission and responsibility, as well as their own traditions and personalities,? Why this Utah high school dress code allows pajamas, midriff tops and You can wear knee-length shorts and flip-flops to the testing center in Provo and no one will say anything (they certainly will if you havent shaved). I would suspect that the powers that be have reams of datamission rates, temple marriage rates, activity rates, etc.for BYU-I students that are looked at a lot more closely than hemlines in order to determine whether BYU-I is fulfilling its mission. Im not against the idea of a dress code, and I honored the dress code at BYU provo while I was there (though I never applied to BYU-I and had no interest in going there after my sisters experiences), but both dress codes desperately need an update- they need to figure out exactly what they are trying to accomplish and set the rules accordingly. Campus links BYU Mission and Aims. Tall sizes: XLT-8XLT. ), while another part is the education of Mormon students in the environment of Mormonism, and Mormons have some fairly clear ideas about what constitutes proper attire. Adam, unless it is useful for filling ones tag for the season, it doesnt count. The only opportunists looking to grab the benefits of a subsidized education and then disappear into the sunset, galloping toward Babylon Ive met wear Brooks Brothers and Allen Edmonds. Once again, Adam, you are extrapolating WAY beyond what was actually said. Are students too relaxed about the dress code? - BYU-I Scroll If the answer is no, Id like to know why the dress code is any different. So . At the parent/student convocation they held the first day of orientation I was sitting next to another parent from my stake. To be more charitable to those who apply to the BYU campuses, not all are aware of the details of the dress and grooming standards. Honor Code & Related Policies - Honor Code No more ugly tight jeans, and unkempt mustaches! In addition, you should probably not confuse stories Ive heard from my friends with a representative sample or the typical student experience. 18 BYU womens volleyball in four-set Senior Night loss to No. the honor code which has been an important part of byu since its foundingincludes policies that require having academic honesty; obeying civil law; living the law of chastity; abstaining from alcohol, tobacco, coffee, tea, and substance abuse; using clean language; adhering to modest dress and grooming standards; and being an active church All USA shipping and returns are on us. Steps to Obtain a waiver to the Dress and Grooming Standards I see now that that is what is to be inferred in your fourth point, but you still dont make that readily apparent. Feed the kids so much dessert that they can't even get their skinny jeans on. Also, according to numbers Ive just seen, the university has recently increased its enrollment to 25,000 students on campus each year, which would make it one of the ten largest private universities in the United States. The volunteers helping out with it have to communicate to students that university life starts right now, including all that honor code stuff. Once again, Adam, you are extrapolating WAY beyond what was actually said.. Jonathan, there is a huge leap from BYUI/Ricks students believing they are more righteous for 50+ years and the institution believing it. To be more charitable to those who apply to the BYU campuses, not all are aware of the details of the dress and grooming standards. Location: 770 E University Pkwy, Provo UT 84602 Register Here: Previous Next During the tour, President Monson said, Why do these young men wear such tight pants? During my first year I had to go to standards several times for things as inane as not wearing socks to take a test. Why come on the T&S blog (which has its fair share of liberal readers such as myself) in outright defense, if not utter praise, of the rigid dress code of BYU-I? said Steven Baker, director of the Honor Code Office at BYU. Shoes should be worn in all public campus areas. Problem solved. Another valuable function the dress code serves is to be sure that the BYUs attract students who are conformists and discourage attendance students who think that the dress codes often are straining at gnats (like prohibiting beards). Your example of prayer in each class and my friends perception of the Idaho freshman orientation are not the vain fantasies of college students, they are calculated attempts by the institution to position themselves as more righteous than you. Both sides had specific identities that take pride in them. BYU Dress Code- What should be worn there? - How I Got The Job In the OP, Jonathan made an issue of how obvious it is on campus, posters prominently displayed, etc. Jonathan, I didnt know you were a faculty member of BYU-I. ", He added, "The Testing Center has not made any new standard, nor has there been a ban of a particular piece of clothing.". Longbows or nothing. Campus Life: Brigham Young; Students Fight A Dress Code From the 60's Compliance is probably on the order of 99.9% obedience and .1% enforcement. Well get to those in the next post. Why not allow hats in the buildings? See #23. But will it be modified? Zero-risk. But, uh, suspended common sense and free agency? Unless, of course, you meant to call them Pharisees and worse than whores in a kindly, nonjudgmental way. lol. So imagine a slightly modified story in which the students bearded father was told that was unworthy of being helped whenever he set foot on the BYU-I campus, because, after all, he should know bettereven if he is a fully-active, temple-attending high councilor whose tithing dollars are subsidizing the education of the young, zealous enforcer of the BYU-Idaho way of doing things. Its okay on Jeremy. For your organization cannot exist without enrollment, and enrollment of intelligent, hard-working students at that. Suits and jackets: 44-66. Do you hate everything about us and want us to stop? Counseling & Psychology Services (CAPS) Ecclesiastical Endorsements. "NewsNet Staff Writer" is an archive project developed by Robert Swingler. BYU-I is also very entertaining when students and faculty go to honor code excess. But obviously since the pandemic has started we have recognized that in the scheme of things its much more important that the students are comfortable.. And the more trends and attitudes change in the Mormon world, and the more BYU-I refuses to make even minor adaptations to these changes, the more likely it is that BYU-I will be seen as Mormonisms Wahhabist school and will be shunned by the Mormon community. But Kevin Miyasaki, BYU-I Student Services and Activities Vice President, clarified that there is not a skinny jeans ban per se. Someone could have found a better response, and fine-tuning the dress code a bit would help avoid situations like this. There are five things you should know about the BYU-Idaho dress code. If any of my kids wore a uniform to school, I would not have to put on a uniform to visit the school and take care of business in the office or the classroom. But with Rexburg?s often harsh weather, it would be foolish to wear flip-flops and shorts not only on campus, but anywhere outdoors, Dunn said. than NOT being judgmental of others? Originally, ripped jeans were not allowed because the administration was trying to make school feel like a more formal environment, but now kids are wearing sweatpants and shorts to school. President Hinckley Reflects on 95 Years of Life, Recent college campus violence incites concern, leaders encourage vigilance. Sometimes the adults have to step in and say to the campus nudist club: no, you may not agitate for your cause in the library not a hypothetical case, by the way. The official website of Brigham Young University | Provo, UT. Oh, to be sure. With the comfort of the students being a priority, the dress code has become more casual than ever. Only a state boundary line appears to separate the two universities, which are virtually identical in their education, values and religion, but they have conflicting dress code rules. Rental Clothing. Kids leave there and enter the larger Mormon world with the idea the BYU-I is the way to live and everyone should live those artificial (being figurative here, not literal) standards. As a graduate of Ricks, BYUI, former full-time employee, and current spouse of an employee . The Spirit should be there and we can dress to invite the Spirit. Admissions - BYU In an email to Gawker, he wrote, "We have not identified 'skinny jeans' as a specific violation of the dress and grooming standard. They use the weather as an excuse to . Just follow the dress code if you go to that school. Both are LDS church-owned. Dress and grooming standards may not coincide because BYU and BYU-Idaho vary in culture, styles and climate, Baker said. Its troubling, and one of the things that BYU-Idaho needs to look at. * Appropriate Sunday dress includes dresses, skirts and blouses, and appropriate footwear. PROVO- After the new mission presidents seminar in June, the First Presidency toured the BYU campus. Can you cite to any comparator schools/universities with a dress code which goes down to socks and shoes and the various minutaie which make up the BYU honor codes? Brands you've been hiding under your lofted BYU-I dorm bed are a no-no. If I arrive on campus for the first time and my mother asks at the information desk for help while wearing shorts is that flouting the universitys values? Having said that, Ive heard more stories than Id like about parents telling their kids, Im only paying for your education if you go to BYU/BYU-I. I think thats pretty rotten. But just those two. Like JKS, I think the diversity of dress codes is a good thing: BYU is not BYU-Idaho is not a mission is not youth conference is not Sunday meetings is not the temple; someone picks a dress code that fits the occasion, and modifies as needed. Can you imagine Jim McMahon going to BYU-I? I wear leggings literally all the time and no professors care. I dont feel like ripped jeans were much of a distraction, Says 8th grader Mary Caroline Gilliland. All this defense of juvenile dress codes distracts from the bigger question of why dont BYU Admins trust their student to even figure out simple things like dressing themselves-even in bitterly cold weather. You see, because the Basij consists of volunteer citizens of Iran who take upon themselves the responsibility of commanding the right and forbidding the wrong. Beard Waivers - Honor Code Jonathan, Im glad to see that you agree with me that BYU-Is dress code will probably soon be modified to be like that of BYU-Provo. banning all types of "form-fitting clothing,", Mormons tend to hold lots of dessert parties. Testing Center reminds students of Dress and Grooming Standards I always wondered where Eric D. Snider went after he was fired from the Daily Herald. One student, Rachel Taylor, quoted in the paper said the skinny jean crackdown has come recently as more BYU-I kids adopt such denim styles, including the worst offender: jeggings. Though this is certainly not the first time the Honor Code and its policies have been called into question, the past year has been vastly different from anything BYU has faced throughout the history of the Honor Code. After President Monson's comment, Honor Code Office officials held emergency sessions to decide the fate of the BYU mustache and skinny jeans. Ive experienced it first hand at BYU-Provo (and have every reason to believe that it is a very similar environment at BYU-I) and so have a lot of others. The dress code policy of the Lakewood City School District prohibits jeans, see-through clothing, torn clothing, shorts, hats, sweat suits, shorts, and sneakers or athletic shoes . Sure, there would be a few outliers and people who like to push boundaries. Barton said students and faculty should talk to students who are not following the standards in a loving and humble way that will help them not feel like they are being judged. No cut-off or rolled-up sleeved shirts. Some can leave and they do. I admit, I havent attended BYUI, I havent even been on campus. Adam (39): Worst sinner isnt superlative at all, no sir. 2) The dress code plants seeds. The second thing you need to know is that the dress code serves the universitys institutional mission. A widespread perception that BYU students were spending their time in idle debauchery on the churchs dime before going inactive would in the long term threaten the continued existence of the churchs universities. The Mormon university, which is owned and run by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, happens to be reiterating its dress code policy, lest hipster kids with facial hair begin to overrun campus. President Monson never said those things, and they are not a part of the Honor Code. So part of the purpose of the dress code is to make sure you dont become a pharisee. Usually I try to wear jeans to the testing center bc you're more likely to get dress-coded with anything there. You need to know the fourth thing in order to understand the fifth thing. And Ive been to Rexburg in the summer. Would she also have been denied the opportunity to help her child register? Talk a walk around the campus some time and youll see. The eighth thing you should know is that the university does not claim that there is anything inherently un-Mormon about wearing shorts and casual footwear. | Especially For Youth - Brigham Young University Could there be a correlation between local traditions and BYUI students seeing themselves as more righteous? Those schools seem to do just fine sans a dress code. Bear in mind, just because you attended BYU-I doesnt make you an expert on the enforcement of the dress code. But, with the apparent exception of BYU students who cant even be trusted to dress themselves, were all big boys and girls and can probably come up with ways to handle the fringe minority in a manner that preserves free agency. Infused with buttery softness and insane stretch, Mugsy's are stylish jeans that feel like sweatpants. Today, they are still prohibited from wearing hemlines above the knee, strapless dresses or sleeveless shirts. It is just that for all things there is an appropriate time and a season, and not all of these seasons come to the campus of BYU-Idaho. Whatever happened to teach them correct principals and let them govern themselves? What indication do you have that the dress code is more important than these things? We carry all the right sizes: Men's clothing range: XL-8XL. Dress swords would also give the student body at BYU-I a strippling warrior identity yet another way of likening ancient scripture to ourselves. However, it will definitely come as a surprise to many when the dress code changes back to the way it used to be. people do the best they can. Strange that you give BYUI and its representatives that benefit of the doubt yet dont extend it to those who are visiting. After transferring her credits to BYU, she said she felt much happier about the dress and grooming standards she followed. In all the faculty meetings I attended, the subject never came up. Sessions said. Perhaps Ive made a bad assumption, but I assume that there arent posters, etc. One could alternatively look at higher education as a public or community good, with benefits that accrue to society at large in the form of increased innovation, a more efficient work force, and a more capable citizenry. That seems to be the view taken by the church concerning its universities, at least to judge by its continuing support for them. I usually didnt notice if students were in compliance with all the details of the dress code. *Not included in graph: results establishing relationship between infertility and listening to obscure music or overall hipsterism. If Im a middle aged non-student on campus trying to find out information on the school will they refuse to talk to me if Im wearing shorts? This OP and your comments most certainly do not meet the kind of intellectual rigor that I have come to expect from T&S posters. He just pointed out the obviousmustaches arent cool and neither are skinny pants. Incredibly soft and smooth, our lightweight LUXE Traveler Denim has extra-fine weave and is engineered with added stretch for extra mobility and a brushed interior for . He had gone through orientation with an older daughter a few years ago at Idaho. And I suspect that a willingness to eschew flip-flops and adhere to other details of the dress code correlates quite well with a willingness to follow the more important things, which the university cares about a great deal. That seems like the right approach. But the fact that women throughout Iran will wear the veil in public does not mean that they are huge fans of it and that they are willingly obedient. Not so fast, Brigham Young University-Idaho responded. I find the stress on outward appearance to be misguided. If you are unsure who to contact for initiating the process to request a waiver to the Dress and Grooming Standards, please reach out to the HCO at 801.422.2847 or . Denim reinvented, with 10,000+ 5-star reviews. In the part where you talk about how we should be non-judgmental and not get hung up on clothing, you omitted that it was OK to judge people and institutions whose clothing choices are stricter than yours. No need to beat a dead horse, Kent L. Everybody already knows that BYU-Idaho is populated by the worst sinners possible. The tricky part is finding the right balance, and making the right call in the marginal situations. But the Provo campus and its counterpart in Rexburg, Idaho, differ widely in their dress and grooming standards. Failure to comply with the Honor Code or dress and grooming standards could result in suspension from BYU-Idaho. Adam (39): you omitted that it was OK to judge people and institutions whose clothing choices are stricter than yours. The bans on shorts, tank tops, flip flops and casual sandals dont seem so bad once you recall this fact. There seems to be an attitude of religious superiority that is bred on that campus, not just superiority to the lost and fallen world, but superiority to other members. I suspect that general visual impression isnt entirely unimportant, however, and that it particularly helps with members who are skeptical of the value of university degrees. 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