Then there is No 24. Posted by b on November 17, 2022 at 15:28 UTC | Permalink. How to Submit. Significantly Russia has blamed the UK. News He is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith.. Paul is a founding Partner at My Vaccine Lawyer and has been featured in the Washington Post and CBS News for his accomplishments. Apparently or not? We do not expect anything "good" from the Dutch court. The Russians might have done it just to show the west they will escalate. Various types of injuries are categorized as SIRVA under the Vaccine Injury Table, such as. though. Posted by: FHTEX | Nov 17 2022 17:27 utc | 47. The photo's I've seen of missile parts are meaningless because they aren't included in the photo of the crater. Link to Wikileaks Link to Wikileaks. Helmer actually doubts whether the Buk missile from whatever source brought down MH-17 but rather points more to the Ukrainian fighter suspiciously flying within range of MH-17. Sadly, due to low usage, we have taken the difficult decision to close the website. and sent away 74 From RIA-Novosti. Posted by: Ed Nelson | Nov 17 2022 21:09 utc | 98. Need help with your assignment essay? For eight months Russia has used a velvet glove against the Western Ukraine civilians and Western Ukraine's infrastructure. This war is a depopulation event aimed at everybody in the region Poland ukraine Russia etc.. perhaps coincidentally its also the whitest region on the planet. $$$. Are you going to harvest yellow snow from the streets and boil it? I'll have to search for better coverage. The Russian winter offensive will happen very soon, and Zelensky is sitting on the pot with no paper to wipe his ass. It's much the same situation of vulnerability Russia is fighting to avoid in Ukraine, only in the East. Yes, I don't think it hurts, but it's not why the trains still run. Our vaccine lawyers will expertly navigate this process and help you get the compensation you deserve. This is not just 'getting' ridiculous - it has been ridiculous ever since February when Zelensky made public his 'need' for a nuclear weapon. On top of it, the process of filing for compensation is complicated.You're not alone, and we're here to help.If you were injured by a covered vaccine in the United States, you're eligible to file a claim in the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP). The NATO war in Ukraine will continue as long as the US is able and willing to spend that kind of money. About Our Coalition - Clean Air California Immediately after news broke of the incident, President Zelensky called on NATO to take action against Russia, accusing Moscow of firing the rocket. They help you lift your arm to front, side and back. His lies (real or otherwise) would be a good excuse to throw him under the bus. Essentially to use up NATO resources and demilitarise them. m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m) View an alternate. Frozen shoulder can occur after a rotator cuff impingement, a tendon tear, or even minor injury. Russia is on the verge of an historic victory over its arch-nemesis NATO--why would it settle for anything other than unconditional surrender of all Ukrainian forces, the elimination of the Azov movement, and the abolition of NATO? Yes, it looks like we are at a turning point. As it stands, the S-300 anti-missile rockets are old and unreliable. Boris will have to go visit to offer his shoulder to cry on. The CIA might have given the Russians a list of targets because Zelensky is off script That would surely drive Zelensky crazy, yes? GDP goes up even when people get sick, sometimes remain sick and die early because so-called health care is big business. After filing your claim with the U.S. Court of Federal Claims, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) reviews it. If it were true (and I do not think it is) than it would say a lot about what Biden and the State Department are up too. An underfed dog That just doesn't want to stay on the its leash. No other solution is possible at this point. The Associated Press also had to issue a retraction, noting that it had erroneously reported that Russian missiles had killed two people in Poland, and that this was based on a claim by one single anonymous senior US intelligence official. All the average person hears is that Russia might have launched it and Russia bad. Our vaccine injury lawyers have represented thousands of clients with SIRVA injuries. Rob Roos in Holland seems good, too. Not putting strain on your shoulder muscles if they hurt. Clients represented across the country in the past 10 years. Posted by: PP | Nov 17 2022 18:07 utc | 59 They want as many Slavs as possible to be killed off before they (in their own minds) take over the area. Policy. Then it has to be manufactured, and paid for. File your vaccine injury claim, corresponding medical records and litigate your case from start to finish. McCausland C, Sawyer E, Eovaldi BJ, Varacallo M. The fervor with which Poland and others sought to drag NATO into a war with Russia should ring alarm bells for everyone.". i skimmed over the comments, but agree with @ juliania | Nov 17 2022 16:04 utc | 15 - this all has to stop.. but i don't think it will.. i hope i am wrong too! I am so sick of the modern world, it's politics, it's irrationalism, and it's hypocrisy. Posted by: Opport Knocks | Nov 17 2022 18:34 utc | 67. Posted by: jared | Nov 17 2022 15:55 utc | 10. No 21. Explore our extensive resources about the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program and process. Every planned bickering between actors (Trudeau was a drama teacher, Zelensky was an actor) is another excuse to demonize Russia in the daily news feeds. Kiev had attempted to intercept a Russian missile at the same location and in the same time france as when the missile strike at the Polish village of Przewowdow occurred, according to the report. Revenge! Some thoughts: Name is required to post a comment, Email: And if the treatments themselves cause harm, more success! Now it is ridiculous. Posted by: Bemildred | Nov 17 2022 20:36 utc | 89, Posted by: velizhan | Nov 17 2022 20:49 utc | 90. We know all these to be false, and to a guy who knew and been there; I see it has pure disrespect to tarnish the legacy of a lot of those who died. ", Posted by: Peter AU1 | Nov 17 2022 17:09 utc | 35. Opport Knocks@67 Too bad we will never know. Guy LEstrange | Nov 17 2022 16:51 utc | 29, Tedder | Nov 17 2022 17:18 utc | 40 The US and Russia being on the same page and pals for a few minutes raises flags. It helps determine which injuries and vaccines are covered in the VICP. But this all has to. Russia has now reluctantly destroyed switch gear and transformers. Now, what exactly is the psy-op in this train of events? What kind of generals blow the shit out of the place but can't stop trains. thanks melaleuca.. @ Bob In Portland | Nov 17 2022 16:46 utc | 27. bob.. makes perfect sense.. thanks for the heads up.. i see it on rt news now.. Posted by: james | Nov 17 2022 16:58 utc | 32. Please note that a court in the Netherlands convicted two Russians and one Ukrainian for the downing of MH-17. Or 90/10. US and Russia reached some form of agreement and US has told Zed to start peace negotiations with Russia. Ukraine, the election is over. Posted by: Josh | Nov 17 2022 16:24 utc | 23. regarding your last line - i can't see it myself, unless they have another useful idiot to replace zelensky.. the media will not stop spinning its bullshit to serve the interests of the 1% i just can't see it so, any change means they are preparing for a new person to take over zelensky.. but this i doubt.. i am sorry i am such a cynical sob.. this is just a temporary lapse - my take.. they have to appear to be objective from time to time! I was disappointed when Meloni told Berusconi shut up about Russia's SMO. Konstantin Sivkov, Deputy President of the Russian Academy of Missile and Artillery Troops, stated this on ORT. Find stories, updates and expert opinion. Posted by: Neal | Nov 17 2022 16:05 utc | 16. We do not charge the you any legal fees! COVID-19: Advice, updates and vaccine options Find out about. Tendons attach them to bones. What is interesting is that the western elites were so quick to deny that it was a Russian missile. Maybe Guy LEstrange is just smarter than you? All Russia has to do is take the defensive behind rivers and mountains and increase man power. You are right on the money in that post. var extra_happy = Math.floor(1000000000 * Math.random()); Posted by: Fiji Refugee | Nov 17 2022 17:43 utc | 53. Of course, this is a Ukrainian rocket. If they determine your claim meets the criteria for compensation, settlement discussions begin. In propaganda there's a concept called "bad jacketing". (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o), For a free consultation. Posted by: Zanon | Nov 17 2022 17:21 utc | 43, Posted by: Tedder | Nov 17 2022 17:18 utc | 38. Posted by: annie | Nov 17 2022 18:38 utc | 68. For information on South Africa's response to COVID-19 please visit the COVID-19 Corona Virus South African Resource Portal. There is a photo that purports to show S-300 parts lying on the ground next to the crater, but the ground they are lying on doesn't look at all like the grassless dirt surrounding the crater. Well, well, well, Zelensky's days are clearly numbered, in this world. If you suffered a vaccine-related injury, adverse effects or worsening symptoms, call your doctor immediately. Z changed the Ukraine constitution to allow Ukraine land to be sold to foreigners. [I copied a picture of The Scream, only commentary adequate, but it wouldn't paste here. The FT report is just one-off. They also bought the winter vegetables in the Fall and stored them in a cool area. Detachment of the deltoid muscle from your clavicle, which requires surgical reattachment. "Investigators in recaptured territory in the area uncovered 63 bodies bearing signs of torture after Russian forces left, Ukraine's interior minister was quoted as saying on Thursday. But theyre more common in athletes that perform a lot of overhead arm movements, such as: Your risk for shoulder muscle conditions increases if you: Your healthcare provider reviews your symptoms and performs a physical exam. If you wish to bring up Cuba and China, please reflect on Central Africa, which essentially did nothing and had the same result in terms of infection and death rates. See some of our vaccine injury settlements in the VICP. Posted by: juliania | Nov 17 2022 16:04 utc | 15. Allowed HTML Tags: Last reviewed by a Cleveland Clinic medical professional on 09/24/2021. I better not go on because I won't be able to stop. Most are not real people I think (some are) but Brigade 77 operatives or similar. I think 80/20 its him. Their weapons are obsolete, their troops are woke and disjointed and unprepared, their economies are short of resources and spiraling downward, and the rest of the world is increasingly becoming allied against them. Germany makes military offer to Ukraines neighbor, Posted by: Zanon | Nov 17 2022 19:49 utc | 82. We do not endorse non-Cleveland Clinic products or services. I think that will not include Ukrainian immigrants in Europe. We do not offer legal representation for religious exemption, employer vaccine mandates or vaccine requirements, or autism-related claims. Would they have got away with it if those missile pictures hadnt been published on Twitter? Guidelines of care for the management of acne vulgaris. I have been in hurricane disasters where we were told that every day, that power would be back soon. For basics like carrying water. We help individuals experiencing SIRVA, flu shot injuries, and other vaccine reactions. The English state propaganda media machine the BBC now going with dead bodies and tortured civilians in Kherson story, all eventually killed by the RF before they departed. Text</I> Text Vaccines are crucial for preventing disease and keeping our communities healthy. Posted by: ThusspakeZarathustra | Nov 17 2022 15:53 utc | 9. Posted by: PP | Nov 17 2022 16:45 utc | 27. (It is likely that the bourgeois media are already covering up incidents of anti-Semitic violence, especially against any groups not affiliated with Chabad, so closely associated with Ihor Kolomoyskiy, a major funder of fascist groups. For any Americans on this board, it is equivalent to winter in Nebraska. The refusal to even discuss Russia's well formulated anxieties. Microsoft takes the gloves off as it battles Sony for its Activision Posted by: John G | Nov 17 2022 19:25 utc | 76. Various types of injuries are categorized as SIRVA under the Vaccine Injury Table, such as Tendonitis, Bursitis, Rotator cuff damage or Adhesive Capsulitis (frozen shoulder). Millions of people receive vaccinations yearly, and the vast majority have no problems whatsoever. It gives us tremendous pride to hear our clients say that our human approach sets us apart from other vaccine law firms. Compression of or damage to the nerve can happen during surgery or due to a traumatic injury or overuse of a crutch. I don't think the Russians roll that way. What happened in the US was unconscionable and criminally incompetent. We are truly at perhaps the most decisive moment in modern history. Get useful, helpful and relevant health + wellness information. You can submit a report for your vaccine injury on or through your doctor. James (27): Yes, the Dutch were waiting for two years to reveal the results of their MH-17 show trial, but if you read Helmer's 2020 book--"The Lie That Shot Down MH-17"--the outcome was a foregone conclusion. })(window,document,'script','//','ga'); Zato of course always understood this. Best Custom Writing Services. Russia is known more for its famous musicians and composers than operatic stars, but methinks I hear the "fat lady" in a bear costume warming up offstage for her final, grand aria! Georgia 2008 Using proper technique when throwing, swimming or performing other activities that require repeated shoulder movements. As for the dollar, I see it reduced to one of many, and if the Biden admin goes with the virtual currency strategy, the dollar will disappear. Have severe, sudden pain in your shoulder or anywhere in your arm. A vaccine attorney will guide you through the process of submitting a claim to the vaccine court. Posted by: ATM | Nov 17 2022 16:22 utc | 21. Axillary nerve palsy: The axillary nerve supplies sensation to the deltoid muscle. Just wanted to throw this out there: In North America, there has been a continuous shortage of electrical equipment like circuit breakers and panels. As a representative of foreign ideology, still supported by outside forces, Zelensky et al. So an arrangement must be made with the West, or China inherits the world by default. Text</B> Text The neoliberal system of management itself holds the blame , Since the US government is purchased by the donar class, ie effectively privatized, and operates within a system of privatized money creation, credit & banking (which seeds and grows privatized monopolies sold to the highest bidder), the failure of the neoliberal US west to contain and eliminate the gof viral pandemic at the outset when it was feasible, blocking it from evolving into successive variants that are always inevitably a few evasive steps ahead of targeted treatments and vaccines (which are all privatized monopoly markets), means that this bad governance (from POV of the public), the neoliberal governance, has been a huge success! Arm to front, side and back not why the trains still run average person hears is that Russia have... It has to do is take the defensive behind rivers and mountains increase! Rivers and mountains and increase man power a.src=g ; m.parentNode.insertBefore ( a, m ) View an.! 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