document.write(''); THis recent newspaper interview discusijgn a new defense suggest Xi will again pass. I mean: it's a total no-brainer. True believers of course will regard this as yet more proof of Xi's infallibility, but that's what true believers always do. Interested to learn more about the democratic flow-through from local to Politburo. @juliania #65 He is the son of Franoise Macron (ne Nogus), a physician, and Jean-Michel Macron, professor of neurology at the University of Picardy. New York has 2 million vehicles vs. 250 million vehicles in the entire US, so that's fail #2. Posted by: Bad Deal Motors On | Nov 9 2022 0:16 utc | 172. Or more likely there are fights among the elites to determine the direction of not just the USA but the whole world. In an interview with The Economist, Macron explained that the EU was too reliant on NATO and the US, and that it should initiate "strategic dialogue" with Russia. New migration measures were introduced which toughened controls on asylum and fixed quotas for foreign workers. Posted by: unimperator | Nov 8 2022 20:26 utc | 168, But even if engines are not designed to work best on higher ethanol blends the higher blends would still take over the market in short order because motorists would buy the higher ethanol blends because its cheaper and there is no loss of performance. Facebook performs the same tasks as LifeLog in gathering everything about peoples social connections, activities and behaviour. Except there's a jungle out there, the town folks need the sheriff, so our poor reluctant cowboy has been dragged screaming and kicking into gun fights he would rather avoid all his life time. Certainly for people working at Twitter for example who are NOT Intelligence people - at least not to their knowledge - this idea would be regarded as absurd. In response to Every time you make 1 gallon of ethanol, there is a net energy loss of 54,000 BTU. [350], He has supported the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) between Canada and the European Union and criticized the Walloon government for trying to block it. Other plans included billions of euros to be spent on modernizing Chinese factories, as well as new ship building. The whole purpose of subsidies is to encourage productive capacity that market forces cannot or will not ever encourage. Thank you. So you are incorrect both in why Facebook exists and on Thiel's early involvement. The group where all of this started. The defection of Egypt was crucial in all this history and has long been ignored by west-centered historians., Posted by: SeanAU | Nov 8 2022 11:40 utc | 146. wouldn't a well designed fractionating column do this in one step? Of course the distillation process is currently more efficient, but it was never as bad in 2001 as your article claims. Oh stop with repeating the same old lies. The rallies attract tens of thousands even without the heat of a presidential campaign. What happens to the large percentage of waste products of brewing? These are the Nestorians, who only accept the first two ecumenical councils, and the Copts and Jacobites, who accept only the first three. Nevada - Saagar=Laxalt, Krystal=Cortez Masto (partisan) Posted by: c1ue | Nov 7 2022 18:25 utc | 118. While addressing Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu, Macron stated that "we will never surrender to the messages of hate; we will not surrender to anti-Zionism because it is a reinvention of anti-Semitism. He also affirmed his support for the Iranian nuclear deal and criticized Venezuela's government as a "dictatorship". Emperor Justinian did intervene in 536, arresting the Coptic patriarch of Alexandria Theodosius (r. 535-565), deposing him, and deporting him to Constantinople, where he was placed under house arrest, while appointing an Orthodox patriarch of Alexandria. The vehicle I used could be classified a toy, but it was a $2000 toy in 2008 and was very well engineering for what was possible at that time. Of course not. Text</U> Text Overall, reasonably accurate but you omit any mention of the Patriarchies other than Alexandria and Rome. 'The News' projects this Big Lie every day and even if one disagrees with the details in any given story one still tends to believe the underlying Lie, that there is a monist truth out there (and our governments work in that mutual and definable reality for our benefit therein). In other words - Dugan led DARPA. Once you eliminate the usual subjects of denialati, repeat often after me ignorami, and paid-for pathological liars and shills. [50][51][52], Macron met Franois Hollande through Jean-Pierre Jouyet in 2006 and joined his staff in 2010. But Yanukovych's decision to do a U-turn on the road to the EU sparked massive protests with hundreds of thousands of people taking to the streets of Kyiv., I wonder if the point of Jeffrey Sachs article in Common Dreams, which I thought just restates the basics without anything new, was perhaps this part: @Scorpion #114 Prime Minister Albanese has little understanding of regional issues At Facebook, he succeeded Levine as vice president of global public policy. The whole 'US Empire' notion is a form of cover for something quite different. Posted by: Peter AU1 | Nov 8 2022 4:26 utc | 140. the EROI doesn't look good according to this assessment. For example: I can buy 50 lbs of carrots from a restaurant supply store for less than half of retail grocery price. Posted by: c1ue | Nov 8 2022 15:27 utc | 160. Through basic ignorance. MS code: I don't see any difference between what I wrote and what you said. Text</I> Text On February 4th, 2004 - the exact same day - Facebook was officially launched. Indeed, part of the reason I post is selfish: am trying to develop a vocabulary for expressing certain insights/perspective in contemporary contexts derived from studying and practicing classic esoteric traditions from Tibet and China which are still highly applicable but rarely presented or understood as such. From my very direct experience view - the tech company cooperation with governments is largely NOT a function of their rank and file employees so much as a function of their executives, which is a very different matter. So the Egyptian Christians promoted the Alexandrian Christology, which became dominant in Christianity until 451 and remains influential, especially with the masses, down to this day. I have no idea given the state of media in our countries. So the ride over bumpy pavement is very jarring. MoA - The MoA Week In Review - (Not Ukraine) OT 2022-191 (This is similar to the view of materialist scientists and causes all sorts of problems when applied to metaphysical systems - like politics.) [266][267] He said that the nations that remained neutral in the Russo-Ukrainian War made a historic mistake and are complicit in the new imperialism. But then I don't live in a confucian country with fifteen hundred million people and have never trusted any government in any country have lived in like most of them do, so clearly am prejudiced Posted by: Scorpion | Nov 8 2022 14:48 utc | 151. Yes, and many of them are RINO's (Retired In Name Only). MS code: I don't see any difference between what I wrote and what you said. [358] In January 2021, Macron stated there would be "no repentance nor apologies" for the French colonization of Algeria, colonial abuses or French involvement during the Algerian independence war. You don't know who is a friend, relative, stranger, or just random name. Why should I post it again? So it is not home delivery like I first thought. The early history of Christianity is replete with the Church going out and forcibly absorbing all those little communities of Christian believers who didn't adhere to the central ideology. Posted by: c1ue | Nov 8 2022 15:07 utc | 155. Posted by: c1ue | Nov 8 2022 15:47 utc | 162. Compartmentalization. But many operators developed a delivery system providing individual orders dropped at a designated location within the complex which customers picked up one at a time to reduce infection spread. But then I don't live in a confucian country with fifteen hundred million people and have never trusted any government in any country have lived in like most of them do, so clearly am prejudiced Posted by: Scorpion | Nov 8 2022 14:48 utc | 151. Among critics, Lee Tien of the Electronic Frontier Foundation told VICE at the time of LifeLogs cancellation, It would not surprise me to learn that the government continued to fund research that pushed this area forward without calling it LifeLog. MITs David Karger was also certain that the DARPA project would continue in a repackaged form. In other words the same old, same old end result for every corporate yes-man bullshitter. gives law enforcement, intelligence agencies unrestricted access to Americans' personal data,,,,,, Total number of reported highway vehicle fires in the U.S. from 1980 to 2021,,,,,,,,,,,, View an alternate. The lie of "meritocracy" in politics, in law, in education, in a huge swathe of thought leadership has been exposed via shit policies being revealed as such by harsh reality. No evidence for such a 'conspiracy theory! Posted by: Scorpion | Nov 7 2022 14:38 utc | 101. So it is not home delivery like I first thought. The iconic obsolete in-design Jeep Wrangler is a well-known burner(on the national car recall list). Would have been jailed for habitual pathological lying on both wastebook and twatter. So another factor is simple class solidarity. He is an enigma, an impossible maze of contradictions and yet undeniably a phenomenon of sorts. Android, on the other hand, does. It is not just Big Pharma, FDA, and the brainwashed doctors and nurses who are responsible for the murder of babies with Covid vaxx, it is the dumbshit parents also. Maybe the thing has been greatly exagerated and used for macro-political purposes. [452][453], "It was indeed France that organised this [roundup]", Macron said, French police collaborating with the Nazis. At least, they were before Musk took Twitter private: Meta, Google, Snap, Pinterest, Microsoft are all publicly traded companies. Again, I am first hand familiar with this since I've worked on a platform specifically to democratize digital forensics, and imaging/upload was the single biggest problem. Again, I don't have a solid opinion about the vaccines especially given some reports way back when intimated that there are significant differences in various batches, but certainly it seems there is cause for alarm at the very least. This and only this was the end of the domination of Alexandria over the church. With the social media companies, they are purported to be private companies. I read years ago that Microsoft Windows has millions of additional lines of code (compared to comparable Linux OS's for example, such as I use) purely for surveillance purposes. If the difference in level is big enough and you aren't prepared for it, you go flying over the handlebar. a selected number of questionable GOP public officials are attempting to gerrymander the vote counting. The answer ain't half obvious(see annual USSA budget tax income from alcohol sales data)! Another negative subsidy to ethanol is EPA regulations that prevent auto makers from testing and reporting fuel mileage using ethanol. One that only applies to alcohol-based octane 114 boost fuel additives! Name is required to post a comment, Email: We see this in individual lives wherein each of us has multiple realities we deal with - family, work, civic, secret etc. These are the Nestorians, who only accept the first two ecumenical councils, and the Copts and Jacobites, who accept only the first three. Maybe it's an after-effect of the biolab enhanced virus? [356], In March 2018, Macron announced that the government would spend 1.5 billion euros ($1.9 billion) on artificial intelligence in order to boost innovation. Posted by: c1ue | Nov 7 2022 18:11 utc | 116, it isn't clear to me than any religion has been free of such machinations. First of all, Windows is a literally multi-decade conglomeration. Posted by: Walt | Nov 7 2022 9:21 utc | 92 Research has shown that engines that are designed to run on and allowed to exclusively run on higher ethanol blends operate cleaner, last longer, get better fuel economy and performance, but federal law prevents any such engine from the US market. Eventually, at Chalcedon in 451, the Roman pope Leo was viewed as an ally by Constantinople. That's shocking! @Tom_Q_Collins #126 He announced that starting 1 November, it would bring an end to the state of emergency. There is nothing to be afraid of in China except treating like enemies in the first place when they are not. The group where all of this started. Furthermore, I have direct personal and historical experience in China - and so I am commenting from that and now from reading blogs. It is especially true in our time with high corruption-deceit. The CIA made his life hell and took a case all the way to the Supreme Court where they won a verdict that required Snepp to turn over all the money the book had made. But to push back: it's probably only about 20% of the time that they DO differ so maybe am not so wrong as you say! He served under the secretary-general, Pierre-Ren Lemas. @jinn #107 There appears to be much confusion as to what constitutes a subsidy. [462][463], In response to the 2020 George Floyd protests, Macron stated that he opposed racism and acknowledged systemic discrimination existed toward some people in France. This is only like contemporary Protestantism among those I would call "philosophical Christians," those who would rather avoid Christ's divine nature and see him only as a human teacher. Maybe the thing has been greatly exagerated and used for macro-political purposes. democrazy ! What happens to the large percentage of waste products of brewing? job title, keywords. Posted by: c1ue | Nov 7 2022 14:42 utc | 102. All petroleum fuels are highly flammable low flash point mixtures. He told Wired that I am sure such research will continue to be funded under some other title . Looks like Pakistan PM Shiraz two-day visit to Beijing had more to show than Scholz's 7-hour quickie. As a fuel it would be unusable without the ethanol. Again, logging. So the ride over bumpy pavement is very jarring. Well, sort of in a funny sort of way? . Ukraine wars environmental toll to take years to clean up Too bad it is clear that you have zero grasp of statistics or reality. Monophysitism=Miaphysitism of course became a major theme and the official stance of the Coptic & Jacobite churches, and it certainly did grow out of the Alexandrian Christology that long struggled against the Greeks and was finally discountenanced only at Chalcedon in 451. [262] The treaty is aimed to promote the convergence and coordination of French and Italian positions in matters of European and foreign policies, security and defence, migration policy, economy, education, research, culture and cross-border cooperation. They dont call India the South Asia's USAss for nuthin you know, the only difference being their scope of domination, while USAss tyrannise over four sea, Bharat terrorise only South least for the time being. So 'truth' is also multi-layered, multi-faceted. One gallon of ethanol has an energy value of only 77,000 BTU. Is used for other purposes and taxed accordingly. It was only later revealed that that TIA was never actually shut down, with its various programs having been covertly divided up among the web of military and intelligence agencies that make up the US national-security state. Posted by: jinn | Nov 7 2022 15:30 utc | 107. oh, but i do understand, just like i understand corporations have no say in politics, whether the uk or otherwise and of course i don't believe a word of it either, but thanks for the presentation of how it is expressed outwardly to the lowly plebs cheers.. Posted by: james | Nov 7 2022 15:34 utc | 108. But as some have noticed here, once I get into a forum I tend to overpost some days so have a volume control issue. [236], Macron attended the 2017 Brussels summit on 25 May 2017, his first NATO summit as president of France., Posted by: Jun | Nov 7 2022 19:00 utc | 119, Posted by: c1ue | Nov 7 2022 18:11 utc | 116. Even Putin makes an oblique reference to it in his keynote Valdai speech (which I have just been reading) when he says that "Confidence in one's infallibility is a very dangerous state". The only way things might get fixed is if the Powers That Be in control of the US and EU governments/bureaucracies somehow refocus back on their core fiduciary duty of serving their populations instead of trying to manage/control them. Ohio - JD Vance by both An argument missing 98% of the facts. 10 Nov 2016 Australia should develop an independent policy towards China and focus more on Indonesia and south-east Asia, such as by joining Asean. Nor is the idea of "going small" going to work. The prospect of trying to do a similar analysis of every American's hard drive is simply impossible; you either end up with junk or you end up with every single American convicted of a crime up to and including treason, though no doubt there are government contractors trying to do it. Ron Nehring, who once led the San Diego GOP, has long urged focusing on issues that attract voters, instead of shunning them with past grievances, divisive rhetoric Jerusalem was so elevated at the 3rd Ecumenical Council of Ephesus in 431, making five patriarchates. Nov 1 - Down Time Related: - Concerning recent Typepad issues - Everything Typepad Nov 1 - Some Ukraine Items Nov 4 - War In Ukraine - U.S. local/individual) ones. UK has come out with a breakdown on excess deaths. Posted by: c1ue | Nov 7 2022 15:25 utc | 105, I would say, c1ue, that your statement makes it imperative to go back in every case to the original teachings, wherein there are no such machinations. Having been on platforms like Twitter, Myspace and others before (Quora is another), I knew that online anonymity is a part of the deal, with no expectation to use real names, passport photos, institutions attended, birthplace, real date of birth, or anything else that Facebook was now coercing me to give them. There are dozens of reports all over the world of corpses coming in with strange new clotting, some of which feature strands two yards long. [71], In August 2015, Macron said that he was no longer a member of the Socialist Party and was an independent. But as usual, your ideological prerogatives over-ride any capability for rigorous analysis. And no, the scooter tire on a GoPed is not tiny or insufficiently durable for a brake. I overlooked a point in the first post. Creeping Towards Ever Deeper Involvement Related: - Kyiv Planning for Total Evacuation if It Loses Electricity - NY Hedging his bets, Justinian however allowed Theodosius to receive visitors and, while himself championing Orthodoxy, let his wife Empress Theodora pretend to support the Monophysites. Something is going on and vaccines are the most likely explanation because of timing but of course there is no proof and there are no official studies being conducted because. To my mind this is a BIG red flag about vaccines, but have no way of telling. Constantine's city of Constantinople, although the capital city of the main part of the Roman Empire and quickly surpassing Rome in population, had no ancient pedigree in Christianity, but nevertheless was elevated to equal status as a patriarchate by the 2nd Ecumenical Council of Constantinople in 380. By John Menadue Oct 14, 2022 [389], In addition, Macron stated: "I'm in favour of strengthening anti-dumping measures which have to be faster and more powerful like those in the United States. I asked my chilanga wife for more info and of course found that I had misunderstood the first very brief description. Religious relationships are about transcendence, and I am not asking people to be moderate that's not what I'm arguing. Overall I would say that my first impressions of China 15 years ago were that it had law but no rule of law. I just noticed on my buddie's site Some of it was privatized. It's probably BS like most such videos released into social media. Once you eliminate the usual subjects of denialati, repeat often after me ignorami, and paid-for pathological liars and shills. Malcolm Fraser, Cain Roberts - We need the US for defence, but we only need defence because of the US He argues for an end to strategic dependence and for the timely establishment of a truly independent Australia. That's how I take the comparison Michael Hudson is making between a religious domination and the current western hegemony; it's a brilliant comparison I think. The concepts of West and East existed but were quite different. It is estimated that 2 million Mexican farmers lost their homes and livelihoods as a result of cheap US corn exports in the 1990's. When ethanol clearly became viable on its own merits Congress ended those subsidies (as it should). Every action on every Windows OS PC is monitored and recorded just like every phone call and email. "As many as three distillation steps are needed to separate the 8 percent ethanol from the 92 percent water. right at home One of CIA/MI6 greatest hit of all time. Text</U> Text Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Nov 7 2022 21:59 utc | 129. SK prez Park Geun-hye defied the warning MoA - The MoA Week In Review - (Not Ukraine) OT 2022-191 They clog up almost every street corner (and alley and empty patch of grass) in Austin, TX. .. Posted by: c1ue | Nov 7 2022 21:19 utc | 124. I thought I was quite clear that the Roman church had only a very secondary role in early Christianity and that the Latin church fathers were not very respected by the Greeks, let alone by the Egyptian and Syrian Christians. To my mind this is a net energy loss of 54,000 BTU euros. Purported to be moderate that 's what true believers always do one that only applies alcohol-based... Gop public officials are attempting to gerrymander the vote counting unusable without the ethanol ride over bumpy pavement is jarring... 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President of France determine the direction of not just the USA but the whole 'US Empire notion.
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