all your local changes are pushed. Unable to open repositories with Repository Viewer,, Tunnelling this through SSH would mean to split a major part of SmartGit into 2 parts - not impossible, but a lot of effort. pulling from and pushing to the remote repositories. Here are some of the most popular Git GUI Client tools, If you are new to Git then I will strongly recommend you to please go through the below lessons before proceeding to this article . SmartGit should remember all the open repositories when closing it. I simply took one of the options from the local configuration and added it as an available option in the sshd_config file in the MACs line. Caused by: Key exchange was not finished, connection is closed. We can do the same git activities more easily by using some of the Git GUI tools. Not working from SmartGit Issue #664 pre-commit/pre-commit This will open the Pull dialog, where you can specify what Interesting research you've done none the less. the tracked branch, ready to be merged or rebased. Rebase for Smartgit - cannot connect to repository while on a MAC What I originally had in mind was not a VS code extension, but more like a connect via SSH. Setup your local repository and SmartGIT: - Sethmatics Websites Much appreciated. however, smartgit suddenly started to give me a fresh error after github's dropping SHA-1. The Push commands listed above can be invoked from several places in,,,,,, In SmartGit's main window, the Synchronize command can be invoked as follows: from the menu via Remote|Synchronize, with the Synchronize toolbar button, and in the Repositories view via Synchronize in the repository's context menu. Check the "Using SSH agent forwarding" documentation and see if it applies to your case. Could not update branch states (green and red arrows) due to: Could not read from remote repository. Just like the Visual Studio Code remote development mode. Ability to open repository without closing others / General / SmartGit 662887 (2017-07-18 07:50:28,061) [WorkerThread-1] INFO q.exec - Executing #14 [D:\Git\ElvUI] "C:\Program Files (x86)\SmartGit\git\bin\git.exe" status --untracked-files=no --porcelain, 663006 (2017-07-18 07:50:28,180) [WorkerThread-1] INFO smartgit.executable.remoteCmd - Using built-in SSH client, 663009 (2017-07-18 07:50:28,183) [WorkerThread-1] INFO q.exec - Executing #15 [D:\Git\ElvUI] "C:\Program Files (x86)\SmartGit\git\bin\git.exe" ls-remote origin refs/heads/development*, 663195 (2017-07-18 07:50:28,369) [QThreadPoolThread-4 (smartgit.agV)] INFO sc.server - Received command 'ssh', 663197 (2017-07-18 07:50:28,371) [QThreadPoolThread-4 (smartgit.agV)] INFO sc.server - params: ssh (id=1456043188706962861). In the latter case, you can merge or rebase by hand, as The primary directory states are listed in Primary Directory States, and possible states of submodules in Submodule States . It's better to keep many repositories openedbecause in this case switching from repo to repo is very fast. Hence, it could make sense to bring this entire topic to the attention of the Git community. rebases) them into the local branch. It opens all repos in the group. Even if sshfs is used, the latency to the server makes file sharing far too slow for the disk-access-heavy actions that git and SmartGit use. After the remote in the remote branches, and optionally integrates (i.e. Or if I try to push already cloned projects it also says "Repository not found". Unless I'm mistaken and SmartGit is being phased out, please help me understand. conflicting changes. When you open SmartGIT for the first time, it will ask you to find the location of the GIT install. It would be very cool if I can use SmaritGit towork on my remote Code. Introducing a client-server architecture in the core Git layerwill most likely result in performance drawbacks for purely local users, or it would require to maintain two different implementations of certain algorithms which would make the change even more huge. No it would be too slow, all git process must run on the server-side. Merge and ), I don't know SmartGit's internals, but it seems to do a lot of its. Go to Control Panel on your Windows PC > Network and Internet > Open Network and Sharing Center > Windows Firewall > Allow a program or feature through Windows Firewall > Allow Kodi through Public. Ifound that working on shared filesystems slows things down by a factor of 100 or more. For SSH: origin ssh: //gi 2 /v1/ repos/MyDemoRepo (fetch) origin ssh: //gi 2 /v1/ repos/MyDemoRepo (push) After you successfully connect your local repo to your CodeCommit repository, you are ready to start running Git commands from the local repo to create commits . invokes the push. repository. The only time I've seenSG not reopen last repos on startup is after an install upgrade - usually it reopens them but occasionally it starts with no open repos. I reckon, you can't open multiple windows in SourceTree. If you have ever used MySQL or another database, you know some clients (SequelPro for example) have the capability to connect via SSH first then connect to the server. push or to pull first. The use case for this would be pulling code to a remote server without having to ssh manually into the server and type git pull (or whatever commands). specific Linux version) that Ican't really install a full userland on. I've been collaborating on a private project hosted on for the last year or so and everything's been seamless thanks! When using system ssh client - OpenSSH_for_Windows_8.1p1 (LibreSSL 3.0.2): Tried reinstalling smartgit, removing appdata & the smartgit directories from the .git repo, Hi, thanks. If this will become theprevailingworkflow, we will have to swallow this bitter pill and implement it, too. It would be great if there was a context option (or preference where it didn't close repositories when opening a new one. VSCode is the obvious mention here (it exploded in popularity) but now even JetBrains have released a fully client-server model: The preferences But these clients usually suffer from worse overall performance or significant inflexibility, because where SmartGit will read a few bytes from a memory-mapped file, they have to invoke a new Git process to run a heavy-weight Git command. commits which have to be rebased and in this case ask you whether you After doing that I compared the available options between local and remote, and realized that it was only the ". And that is worst if you add multiple windows With SourceTree, you decide which repo you open, when closing and re-opening you get all the tabs as they were before. For those who are not using VSCode and its remote extension, could you please describe exactly what you expect SmartGit to do? Pull command. send) your local I like it; a tree organizes the repos into groups and groups of groups. I'd have to commit and check out every time I wanted to compile. It's also proximal to the hardware I'm developing for. The Repositories view shows all repositories known to SmartGit and, for repositories opened in this window, the directory structure (and their states). In that case SmartGit will leave the repository in This question came up first when I googled it today.. surprised to see my own question from 6 months ago. The test should be: # Attempt to SSH in to github ssh -T > Hi USERNAME! => you get one window with the previously opened repo. But SmartGit will not be a first mover with respect to this topic (for the reasons outlined above). 662876 (2017-07-18 07:50:28,050) [QThreadPoolThread-1 (stderr-#13 "C:\Program Files (x86)\SmartGit\git\bin\git.exe" fetch --progress --prune --recurse-submodules=no t)] INFO smartgit.command.logging - stderr: Please make sure you have the correct access rights. When rebasing, SmartGit will detect whether there are local merge changes have been applied to the local branch, you may invoke the How that works mechanically, maybe there's a way that doesn't require a complete rewrite? I have been a SmartGit user forI think 7 or 8 years now, and have watched how people have started transitioning their development to the cloud. SmartGit is better for branch management. 663525 (2017-07-18 07:50:28,699) [Thread-183] ERROR smartgit.ssh.trilead - com.trilead.ssh2.transport.KexManager: Local : KexParameters{cookie=[-79, -49, 36, 112, 66, -45, -81, -91, 73, -86, -3, -52, 30, -23, 82, -44], kex_algorithms=[diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1, diffie-hellman-group14-sha1, diffie-hellman-group1-sha1], server_host_key_algorithms=[ssh-rsa, ssh-dss], encryption_algorithms_client_to_server=[aes256-ctr, aes192-ctr, aes128-ctr, blowfish-ctr, aes256-cbc, aes192-cbc, aes128-cbc, blowfish-cbc, 3des-ctr, 3des-cbc], encryption_algorithms_server_to_client=[aes256-ctr, aes192-ctr, aes128-ctr, blowfish-ctr, aes256-cbc, aes192-cbc, aes128-cbc, blowfish-cbc, 3des-ctr, 3des-cbc], mac_algorithms_client_to_server=[hmac-sha1-96, hmac-sha1, hmac-md5-96, hmac-md5], mac_algorithms_server_to_client=[hmac-sha1-96, hmac-sha1, hmac-md5-96, hmac-md5], compression_algorithms_client_to_server=[none], compression_algorithms_server_to_client=[none], languages_client_to_server=[], languages_server_to_client=[], first_kex_packet_follows=false, reserved_field1=0}, 663525 (2017-07-18 07:50:28,699) [Thread-183] ERROR smartgit.ssh.trilead - com.trilead.ssh2.transport.KexManager: Remote: KexParameters{cookie=[42, 63, 95, 106, -114, -44, 86, 78, -3, -52, 120, -45, 16, 76, 61, -18], kex_algorithms=[diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256, diffie-hellman-group14-sha1, diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1], server_host_key_algorithms=[ssh-rsa, ssh-ed25519], encryption_algorithms_client_to_server=[. The 22.1 preview uses an updated version of the SSHJ library. I completely understand why what you are referencing would be an issue, but this is not the ask. In SourceTree, you open some tabs, after a restart you get the same exact tabs. In this specific case the issue was caused by the fact that the sshd_config did not list any of the MACs that SmartGit ssh client supports. Alright, good that we know the cause. See i would expect to have 2 window as before ? I keep up to 6 repositories opened and SmartGit works well. How is this even debatable? It is aimed at professionals who demand a reliable, efficient, and well-supported SVN client for their daily business. Support of controlling a repository through SSH would be a huge advantage. Normally, Ilaunch first Smartgit which opens in a log window. Would be a shame if this project died in case the vast majority of devs just work ona VPS 5 years from now :(. I can't test this right now. Another way could be that SmartGit is just an headless process providing access to its UI through an internal Webserver but a native UI is still better for me. I find myself using SmartGit less and less the current hacks are just too slow and buggy. For the record, I have been a long time SmartGit user and use the product almost daily. ssh -vT -A: you are not supposed to use agent forwarding with itself. But why do you think it is better? 2) Check if the Git Executable Path is properly set under Manage Jenkins Global Tool Configuration Git Path to Git executable (for CJP 1.x it is under Manage Jenkins Configure . The only solution I found so far is to use SmartGit for Bitbucket push and run Hostagor push using command line. I sometimes have 2 - 3 SG main windows open, each on a different repo group. Grrrrr). If you do not get any output from the command above, then your authentication settings are not correct, and you will not be able to access the private repository. Close the tab close the repository. Currently, we don't have plans to implement this feature: until now, this workflow seems rather rare among (our Smart)Git users. The Pull dialog allows you to set your choice as default for the current lol I use repositories view *all the time*. Obviously if the lift is huge or the desire from the devs is not present that's understandable. Authentication problems (push/pull fail) | Syntevo Documentation The current behavior was intentional because otherwise it would become much easier for users to open all their hundred repositories and then might wonder why SmartGit gets so slow and memory hungry. Add Remote Repository: Could not read from remote repository. Switching tab switch the display to the correspondingrepository. a merging or rebasing state so you can either resolve the conflicts My ssh credentials are still good. Split SmartGit into a server and a GUI client. By default, Git (and hence SmartGit) will only pull new tags, but dont Thank you for documenting this work-around. That's annoying. I've tried file sharing, but it's super-duper-doggy-slow. Synchronize command that combines pulling and pushing. : Please make sure you have the correct access rights and the repository exists. Could not connect to repository oracle-tech git push. Of course as a developer I understand the reluctance of starting a complete rewrite, but on the other hand, in a competitive market it's all about going the extra mile . From there, the software would act like it does now, but instead of executing commands on the local computer, it would execute commands on the remote server and report the output in the output window. Connect Local Repository with GitHub Remote Repository - TOOLSQA Making remote repositories directly accessible without a local clone would be something which we'd consider low priority. 2. If I need to open a repo every time I need to wait a few seconds. Synchronizing with Remote Repositories | Syntevo Documentation Also, any timeline for taking the working version out of preview? In the next step leave the option "Use SmartGit as SSH client and click next. updated as well, select Update existing and fetch new tags We created an account on GitHub, now it is time that we push our local data to a remote location at GitHub. Technology & Tools GitHub. The following is what I could find in the log file: 662876 (2017-07-18 07:50:28,050) [QThreadPoolThread-1 (stderr-#13 "C:\Program Files (x86)\SmartGit\git\bin\git.exe" fetch --progress --prune --recurse-submodules=no t)] INFO smartgit.command.logging - stderr: fatal: Could not read from remote repository. It is my opinion that SmartGit has the best UI in terms of reflecting the terminology and workflow of the git system, as opposed to some of your competitors. Even the absolute top-endLaptops/PCs are simply nowhere powerful enough compared to what you can get using this method. Smartgit20.1.2 #15162, installed: #15124. ERROR: You're using an RSA key with SHA-1, which is no longer . To create a bare repository, please invoke. Click Continue and you are all set. For SmartGit, we just take a clean OSX Git bundle and repack it, so I guess when replacing SmartGit's bundled Git with your system Git (by copying over to the SmartGit folder), you will still see the unexpected --exec-path.I would guess this is because Git executables are searched on the PATH.Setting GIT_EXEC_PATH for SmartGit will probably help. I'm using Windows 10 64bit, SmartGit 17.0.4 and I'm using the SmartGit SSH client. Only. PS: Provide your Bitbucket Username /Password when ever required.. Join the Discussion. This is only going to become more common over time. What's needed is some way to efficiently work on Git repositories directly inside a remote machine over SSH. local commits on top of the remote commits and if this was successful, SmartGit may warn users when they enable this option. SmartGit distinguishes cases it is recommended to set up tracking, as it will allow you to In my case, I'm a systems engineer who cross-compiles ARM Linux distributions on a dedicated build machine which requires a very specific OS setup (e.g. Step "Check Git-Shell". Caused by: Cannot negotiate, proposals do not match. Indeed, that's exactly the feature what I'm looking for. Pull to keep your repository synchronized with the remote and the repository exists. I then click on my main group and open all of its repo. SmartSVN Crack is a graphical client for the open-source version control system Subversion (SVN). untested changes. Smartgit: Could not read from remote repository - Stack Overflow If it does not find the GIT install for you, click on choose and browse your C:/program files(x86)/ directory for the GIT folder which you created in step 1. Here is how I we were able to guess that this was the issue: In the log file you will see line with " KexParameters" for Local and Remote. -- If distant server is no connected to internet then use our (client . Open Repository in New Window also works on groups. Sometimes Ineed to access other repo, so Ihave other groups with related repo. This would be enormously helpful to me, and to many other remote workers. Currently, if you use SmartGit on a network mounted filesystem it wont correctly report changes anyway, you have to reopen the repository to see them. In case repo groups help your situation like they do mine - I put related repos in groups (and subgroups) and then use the group name context menu: right-click -> Open Repository. I'm having some issues using SmartGit to connect to a GitLab server (dedicated server, not A "VSCode remote extension" like feature would be great with:- Auto install and update server when connecting over ssh, -- If distant server is able to connect to Internet then use its own connection for server install/update, -- If distant server is no connected to internet then use our (client) connectionfor server install/update. Lesson 5: How to use SmartGit - That'll do it. In order to use SmartGit, you still need some basic knowledge of how Git works, though SmartGit hides most of the complexity. If there are both local and remote commits, the first triggered pull If the command works there, continue with step "Check Hosting Provider". Recently, broke up for Easter break - last Thursday. Unlikely to happen. Fix "Could Not Connect to Repository" Kodi Error: Proven Solutions I've been subscribed to SmartGit for MANY years, but am starting to transition away to (inferior) VSCode Git support specifically because of this feature. Hi, running into the same issue suddenly and I can't seem to find a link to the preview version that's been posted here earlier. In that regard, I do use VS Code for coding but do not use their git extension because I think SmartGit works better for me. I will attempt your workaround when I get home. GIT would have to be installed on the remote system and it the only network traffic would be the commands sent and the output returned. SmartGit just reopens all the repositories (in one window) that were open before exiting, even if they were open in different windows. To start using your Git repository, you need to clone your repository or open a working tree first. Having (most of) the processing done on the remote machine would really speed things up. You do not have permission to delete messages in this group, Either email addresses are anonymous for this group or you need the view member email addresses permission to view the original message. Ijust have to right click on a group and select open in a new window. Git Failed to connect to repository : Could not init tmp If so, find path to the Git executable by: Unix System: which git. I didn't had problems with this before but had some troubles during lockdown Let me explain my day to day usage first :). Both open the selected repository only. But maybe external tools could already help to execute some ssh command that performs some remote command on the server. contains an option to avoid this dialog and always configure the I tend to run with only some repositories open but when I want to open another repository alongside them I have to select my currently open ones alongside the new one to keep them open. Plus, I can'tsee a good location for tabs orroom for them. I can clone . Open Repository in New Window also works on groups. You might want to share this with the next person who complains about slow networked functionality. If the number of open repository is a problem, you may just popup a notification when (a configurable number of) N repos are simultaneously opened, or/and display a warning the first time it happens. Open a Git shell from within SmartGit: right-click the offending repository in the Branches view and invoke Open Git-Shell and try to invoke the command from this shell. Thanks for the confirmation. fetched commits. When starting SmartSVN, bootloader.jar is formed from the installation directory. Could not read from remote repository from Using SmartGit with Beanstalk - Beanstalk Help This would allow me to connect to other servers and do git / pull /logsetc. From the error, it looks you are not able to connect to DB where your Master and Work Repository is created. The ability to use a ssh connection or tunnel to remotely control git commands on a remote server. This process is largely for security reasons, however, the concept is an interesting one. Other (popular) Git clients which do all the Git-related work exclusively by the git-executable can be adopted to this workflow much easier: run "ssh git " instead of just "git ". Less and less the current lol I use repositories view * all the repositories. A href= '' https: // '' > Setup your local repository and SmartGit being. Be merged or rebased the server-side repository: could not read from repository. Nowhere powerful enough compared to what you can get using this method help to execute SSH! Efficiently work on git repositories directly inside a remote machine would really speed things up the pull dialog allows to... Github.Com itself a href= '' https: // '' > could not read from remote repository many repositories openedbecause this... 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