Select all that apply Discussing a client's surgical procedure with the nurse manager Hold the penis at a 30 to 45 degree angle when inserting the catheter 3. Provides day to day direction and supervision to assigned direct patient care staff. e. Feed a client who had a stroke 3 months ago, 32. A nurse is caring for a client who has emphysema and has difficulty with mobility. Rewrite each incorrect sentence to correct the error. Correct: If suspicious behavior occurs, it is important to keep careful, objective records. 3. A nurse is completing discharge teaching with a client. The nurse asks the client, "Are you feeling anxious about the results of your colonoscopy?" Alcoholic Anonymous It is the primary healthcare provider's role to receive acceptance for transferring a client to another facility. Correct: Cytomegalovirus is a viral infection that can be devastating to a fetus, especially in the first trimester. 4. A client receives a wrong medication. Incorrect: This is a nursing responsibility and the best practice committee is the best place to begin. This client is not the nurse's first priority. Removing the client's dentures Notify the nursing supervisor of the situation. Select all that apply 2. A nurse in a clinic is caring for a client who reports pain, crepitus, and a popping sound is his temporomandibular joint. It would not be appropriate to overload this new employee with extra work. So, this client who is receiving PRN pain medication is certainly someone that the LPN could be assigned to. Explain administration is demanding a decreased overtime. Splitting the overtime shift is an acceptable option that the nurse could suggest in order to solve the staffing problem and decrease the amount of time the nurse will be working. 5. Client to receive dietary education. d. I'll carry heavy objects close to my body, d. Places clean linen that touched the floor in the soiled linen bag, 25. When completing an incident report about the pressure ulcer, the nurse should take which of the following actions? 1. 4. Incorrect: Most adults have already been exposed to the virus and are not at risk for adverse effects of the infection. 3. A nurse is caring for a client in the orientation phase of the nurse-client relationship. 2. Select all that apply d. Let's wait until tonight to see if he continues his behavior, 63. A nurse is caring for a client who is scheduled for an elective surgical procedure. Which clients should be assigned to the CNA? Could you try contacting a support group A nurse has just finished a wound irrigation for a client who requires contact precautions. 3. 3. Incorrect: This will take a lot of time and is best initiated from the "best practice" committee. Allow families unlimited visitation around the clock to meet their schedules. A nurse is caring for a client who expresses anxiety about his impending surgery. Incorrect: The client does need to have food; however, there is another action that should be performed first. a. Hypotension What action should the nurse take after mistakenly administering the wrong medication? The charge nurse is preparing the patient care assignments for the day shift, assigning clients to a LPN/LVN and a certified nursing assistant (CNA). Incorrect: The client does need to be cleaned out below the tumor so that the primary care provider can see the area of concern and complete the biopsy. Demonstrate the use of clinical reasoning in prioritizing and evaluating the delivery of client care. Which of the following findings indicates that the client is meeting this goal? 4. 2. Convenience for the nursing staff or the client's family c. Changing a dressing 2. The client will need to be assessed, but there is no specific indication the respiratory status is presently compromised. Observe the client before taking further actions What task would be best to assign to the LPN/LVN? & 4. This will allow the charge nurse to analyze the situation to make a better decision as to whether the assignment should be changed. 2. a. Review the action of insulin therapy 2. 3. c. Depression Select all that apply Transfer essential medical record to the receiving facility. This is outside the scope of practice for the LPN/LVN. 1. Underline the adjective clause in each sentence. Select all that apply. Moistening the dentures prior to inserting them When assigning nurses to patients, the charge nurse must consider the acuity of the patient's condition, the skills of the nurse, and the availability of other staff members. Incorrect: Restricting visitation to two hours is not appropriate, particularly for families traveling long distances to visit a client. Return any fresh linen not used for a client to the linen supply area Incorrect: Here, you have a client who needs teaching about intravenous pain management using a patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) pump. Thus they are kept in charge of basic patient care like administration of tests, medicines and proper provision of the required treatment. Also, making a surgical bed for the client returning from surgery is a basic procedure. A client post pacemaker insertion, awaiting discharge instructions. 9. During lunch, Robin jotted a letter to Amy and signed it, "your friend, Robin.". Assist client to brush and floss teeth. Drag and Drop the items from one box to the other. Four clients arrive for their appointment at a diabetic clinic. A nurse is teaching a client about the physical effects of chemotherapy. 3. Left upper forearm If you are new to this challenge, try these eight tips as a guide for making nurse-patient assignments. a. b. I will come back later and we can talk This includes medication enemas. Offer to take one of the clients. a. Auscultate breath should at least ever 2 hr Incorrect: This is not completely practical for everyone. Nothing by mouth (NPO). Monitor for GI upset 30 minutes after meals. Turn on local news for up-to-date information on the train derailment. The client reports constipation for 4 days which may be an indication of worse problems. Client diagnosed with hemorrhoids who had some spotting of bright red blood on toilet tissue with last bowel movement. 1. 4. Correct: This client is at risk for respiratory depression caused by morphine and should be assessed. Although this is a correct thing to inform the client, this teaching should be done by the RN and not delegated to the UAP. A client with fibromyalgia reporting generalized pain of 7 out of 10. Incorrect: The RN is responsible for assessment and evaluation of clients. A client on a surgical unit frequently quarrels with the staff. Occupational therapist (an occupational therapist assists clients who have physical challenges to use adaptive devices and strategies to help with self-care activities such as feeding). d. Otorhinolaryngologist, c. Irrigating a client's abdominal wound d. Go to employee health services, b. INCORRECT: There is no information regarding how recent was the surgery or the degree of pain being experienced. Client one day post kidney transplant. This action will promote the client's self-esteem, and may reduce the quarrelsome behavior. Drag and Drop the items from one box to the other. Incorrect: The nurse is responsible for monitoring a client. c. Use an aggressive tone of voice A nurse is caring for a client who has a new diagnosis of type 1 diabetes mellitus. c. Contact the provider to question the dosage (when a nurse believes there is an error in a prescription, the nurse must question the provider). The client receives home health care and spends most of his day in a reclining chair. The nurse chooses to confront the client. The partner relates her concerns about her spouse abusing alcohol and having difficulty maintaining employment. PURPOSE AND SCOPE: Functions as the hemodialysis team leader in the provision of chronic hemodialysis care and treatment. b. 4. 3. 2. A charge nurse is reviewing the list of tasks that have been delegated to the assistive personnel (AP) by the staff nurse. c. Environment Both of these clients are terminal. 3. In this situation, it is not a matter of the nurse preferring to take all the vital signs, but the nurse needs to know the competency level of the UAP before delegating this task. b. Which of the following explanations should the nurse provide? 1. c. I will cover the catheter so he cannot see it 1. c. Include intact skin at the wound edges in the culture When the licensed person cannot determine this, the task should not be delegated. A 10 year old school-age child would also be more cooperative, making it easier for the LPN to interact with that client. The best practice committee works to improve clinical practice based on current research. 3. 4. Which of the following instructions should the nurse include? A nurse is planning to discharge a client who has quadriplegia to his home. 1. Incorrect: The client who was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis will need discharge teaching and may be wanting to go home quickly, but this client would not take precedence over the client with the cast that has become too tight. Which of the following instructions should the nurse include? A newly licensed nurse is seeking advice from her preceptor about the need to purchase personal professional liability insurance. Which of the following actions should the nurse take? 3. b. Which group of clients should she assign to the medical surgical nurse? a. Broth Correct: It would be best to explore the reason the RN thinks the assignment is too heavy. Showing disapproval A nurse is assessing a client at a follow-up clinic for acute low back pain. Respite care allows the primary caregiver time away from day-to-day care responsibilities, 75. Which clients should be assigned to the CNA? Provides safe, effective delivery of patient care in . b. I'll rewrap my ankle starting from the knee down We see that the temperature is already elevated, which makes us worry that infection is present. c. I should purchase a carbon monoxide detector for my home Following a large hurricane, multiple clients arrive at the emergency room for treatment. A nurse on a medical unit is teaching a group of assistive personnel about handling clients' bed linens safely. Feedback The situation should be explored before bringing the supervisor in on the situation. d. 216, 22. "Please explain what you mean by the word 'nervous'.". A nurse receives a client care assignment from the charge nurse that he believes is unfair. d. Swab an area of skin away from the wound to identify the usual flora, a. Elicit info from the client (obtaining info from the client is a component of orientation phase), 57. Correct: Assisting clients with activities of daily living are within the UAPs scope of practice. b. c. Take the client to the bathroom every 2 hr The second client the nurse needs to see is the client diagnosed with gastroenteritis who had two 300 mL diarrhea stools in one hour. c. Discard any residual gastric contents Limit the client's fluid intake in the evening Which task should the nurse take responsibility for completing? 4. Incorrect: Obtaining the urinary output of a client at the end of the shift is appropriate for the nursing assistant and should be documented and reported to the RN. c. Explain the risks and benefits of the procedure Select all that apply 1. Discuss the competency of the surgeon 3. Taking the report from the ED could be delayed but is a courtesy to the ED and will provide information about the client that will be useful in making assignments for the next shift. Pointing to the two glasses partially filled with water, the magician asked, "Which glass contains the least water?". Ask the primary healthcare provider to suggest the best oral care procedure. Thus, the tasks involve successful management of the charge nurse's responsibilities. Semi-formed stools are great news! A nurse enters an older adult client's room to insert a saline lock. 3. Select all that apply. Since this is a postoperative client, It is important that the vital sign measurement is accurate to detect any changes or possible complications. An adult (18 years or older) can create an advanced directive. Which of the following actions should the nurse take? Take vital signs every two hours for the patient with the cholecystectomy in Room 6022. Incorrect: Medications are not transferred with the client to a new facility. 2. 1. Making client care assignments As the RN charge | Science Nursing Nursing questions and answers Making client care assignments As the RN charge nurse, you are preparing to make assignments for the oncoming shift in the medical-surgical unit. Client reporting epigastric pain and nausea after eating. The nurse is working with a new unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP) on a post-operative unit. b. Complete a client assignment sheet for the oncoming staff. Besides, a charge nurse is a leader on the floor and should possess . a. The nurse is using which level of communication at this time? Making patient assignments is an important charge nurse role that lacks theoretical support and practical guidelines. The nurse is reviewing some clients' prescriptions. (c) Ba2+(aq)+CO32(aq)BaCO3(s);K=3.8108\mathrm{Ba}^{2+}(a q)+\mathrm{CO}_3^{2-}(a q) \longrightarrow \mathrm{BaCO}_3(s) ; K=3.8 \times 10^8Ba2+(aq)+CO32(aq)BaCO3(s);K=3.8108 a. A newly hired unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP) has consistently completed all assignments in a safe and timely manner. Client who has multiple injuries from a motor vehicle accident. Notify the primary healthcare provider. A cardiac step down unit has requested float staff because of multiple impending admissions. Documentation is a communication tool for the interprofessional health care team. Incorrect: Although this action appears to be opening lines of communication, the nurse manager is actually fostering animosity in a situation where the outcome is already predetermined. d. Request a prescription for an indwelling urinary catheter, c. I will begin upon the client's admission to the facility (effective discharge planning must begin upon admission of the client to the facility), 60. However, there are some basic points which are standard among all facilities. Which of the following statements by the nurse would provide UAP with the best directions about an assignment? 1. The charge nurse is determining morning care assignments for several elderly clients awaiting discharge to an assisted living facility, including a client on bed rest with a skin tear and hematoma from a fall 5 days ago. Simply accept the assignment since overtime is mandatory. c. One nurse lifting the client's legs as the client uses a trapeze bar A nurse is teaching a client about carbon monoxide poisoning. c. Nonfat milk Correct: The LPN is being floated to a specialty floor and appropriate assignments would include clients who are stable. d. Talk with others who have info about the client, b. I can detect the presence of carbon monoxide by a metallic odor, 58. d. Counting radial pulse, 100. This client could be transferred with traction still maintained. Which prescription should the nurse question and have corrected? A nurse is preparing an in-service presentation for a group of newly licensed nurses about the use of restraints. b. (a) HCN(aq)+H2O(l)H3O+(aq)+CN(aq);K=4.91010\mathrm{HCN}(a q)+\mathrm{H}_2 \mathrm{O}(l) \longrightarrow \mathrm{H}_3 \mathrm{O}^{+}(a q)+\mathrm{CN}^{-}(a q); K=4.9 \times 10^{-10}HCN(aq)+H2O(l)H3O+(aq)+CN(aq);K=4.91010 The nurse should call for immediate help so that a safe care environment is maintained for all clients. Family cannot withdraw the Advance Directive and make decisions that go against the client's wishes made within the document. 3. What would the approximate meaning of photoelectric be, based on these root words? Question: A charge nurse is making client care assignments. What is the appropriate assignment? The nurse suggest that the family might need to respite care services. EXAMPLE: Of my three brothers and sisters, my sister Giselle has the better sense of humor. Donning gloves and using a gauze pad to grasp and remove dentures 5. Witness the client's signature a. Which of the following interventions should the nurse include? Which of the following of Erikson's developmental stages should the nurse consider in the planning? c. The nurse may serve as a witness to informed consent for organ donation d. I shouldn't advice you about what is ultimately a personal decision, b. Correct: Nurses must use and recognize appropriate terminology and abbreviations to avoid potential client harm. Administering 3 g/hr IV of morphine would be extremely dangerous. 2. 8. A nurse is attending a social event when another guest coughs weakly once, grasps his throat with his hands, and cannot talk. One important aspect is encouraging the flow of ideas between management and staff members. Which of the following actions should this nurse take? Discuss the issue with the leader of the "best practices" committee. It results in an exchange of ideas, problem solving expression of feelings, decision making, and personal growth). Assist ait to ambulate using a gait belt. 5. M2.4: Making Client Care Assignments-GECC As the RN charge nurse, you are preparing to make assignments for the oncoming shift on the medical- surgical unit. c. Foot The nurse would then start the 24 hour urine once the 1st void has been discarded. Removing the client's dentures Notify the surgeon that the client wishes to withdraw informed consent for the procedure There are a total of 10 adult clients. They have found my address and are coming for my family!" Which tasks should the charge nurse delegate to the nursing assistant? Provide a between meal supplement to the client. b. This assumption is not appropriate, and the feelings and concerns of the client should be addressed. 3. The client is considered unstable until assessed by the nurse. The charge nurse's best response is to first obtain the needed information to make the best decision. *HURST REVIEW Qbank/Customize Quiz - Manageme, *HURST REVIEW Qbank/Customize Quiz - Adult He, *HURST REVIEW Qbank/Customize Quiz - Basic Ca, *HURST REVIEW Qbank/Customize Quiz - Fundamen, ***HURST REVIEW NCLEX-RN Readiness Exam 1***, The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses, Edge Reading, Writing and Language: Level C, David W. Moore, Deborah Short, Michael W. Smith. d. Providing information, a. c. Use intermittent eye contact 3. As the evening progressed, the unit tasks became very demanding and the nurse had to delegate several actions to the UAP. The below statement corresponds to a numbered sentence in the passage. Reach around the pack and open the top flap away from the body It involves people who are constantly changing-their conditions improve and deteriorate, they're admitted and discharged, and their nursing needs can change in an instant. A nurse is caring for a client who states, "I have got to get out of this hospital! 6. c. Measurement of residual urine after urination Did you think dehydration and fluid volume deficit? Which pediatric client care assignment is most appropriate for the charge nurse to delegate to the LPN/LVN? c. Malpractice The nurse should not lecture, scold or argue with the float nurse. Refuse the delegated intervention. INCORRECT: Clients with COPD are always short of breath and dyspnea is an expected finding during an exacerbation. 2. This is an elderly client who is a new admit. b. The client should be assessed first to rule out respiratory difficulty and hemorrhage. 1. 4. A nurse identifies a pressure ulcer after a client had a long, extensive recovery following a surgical procedure. When determining if the client is eating a well-balanced diet B. b. 2. What options would be appropriate for the nurse to take? Assist a client to ambulate using a gait belt a.) Correct: The hospital nurse to client staffing ratio should reflect the complexity of nursing care for high acuity clients. Correct: The client who has a cast and requires pain medication is a stable and predictable client. b. e. The urge to move the legs when trying to sleep, 66. When the stomach does not make enough intrinsic factor, the intestine cannot properly absorb vitamin B12. 2. This client is stable and predictable. Draining of the bag is a routine toileting procedure for the colostomy client within the scope of practice for the UAP. An experienced nurse would be assigned to this unstable client due to the possibility of a reoccurring hemorrhagic stroke resulting from the client's hypertension. c. I'll need to shave the hair off the skin where I place the electrodes b. Which of the following actions is the priority for the nurse to include in the client's plan of care? Which of the following actions should the nurse perform when opening the sterile pack? Additional data includes pulse 100/min, RR 24/min, BP 124/76 mm Hg, and temp 36.8C (98.2 F). In sickle cell anemia, the red blood cells become rigid and sticky and are shaped like sickles or crescent moons. The charge nurse should be informed that the delegated intervention is not appropriate according to the state's Nurse Practice Act. Relax her abdominal muscles when she lifts an object 1. The RN with 10 years' experience pulled from the ER. Communicates with the physician and other members of the healthcare team to interpret, adjust, and complete patient care plans. b. 3. Risperidone .5 mg PO daily PURPOSE AND SCOPE: Supports FMCNA's mission,vision, core values and customer service philosophy. Besides yourself, there are the following staff: Your unit has 12 beds. c. Industry vs inferiority a. I'll urinate a little then stop 4. One nurse lifting as the client pushes with his feet Incorrect: Is phantom pain something that is unexpected with above the knee amputations?